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S21 ultra battery

(Topic created on: 12-11-2023 11:10 PM)
I have had my mobile 2.5 years now and the Samsung members diagnostics still shows my battery health as 'normal'.

The battery drains so fast now. When I first got mobile, I could get 2 days almost from single charge. Now I can't even get a day.

Is the Samsung members battery diagnostics accurate? Is it worth replacing my battery and would there be an improvement with this? Or even if I replace battery, I am likely not to improve things much?

1 Solution

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Samsung Members Star ★★

The diagnostic tool found in the Samsung Members App I would say is accurate as possible @mun_96 

Tske a look in your Device Care Section under Battery to check if any particular app is using up more battery than normal. 

If there is then you can take cation such as clearing it's cache files and consider tweaking it's preference settings,  use sleep or deep sleep mode and or uninstall it. 

There you can use the optimisation tool too.

Also consider clearing the phone's System Partition Cache Files Section as thus can help. 

> Clear Cache Files from the phone's System Partition Section  > You may need to insert your earphones or hook upto a powered On Laptop or use a Tv's USB Port to access the Clear Partition Section. This may help with lag or stutters as this clears the phone of old/unused or broken cache files.There is also a Repair Apps option in the Menu System too. 

Take into consideration that a batteries performance will reduce over time with how it functions in powering the phone.

It's a natural progression of wear and tear from using the phone and charging and recharging cycles. 

A Samsung Service Centre can assess your phone and advise whether a new battery is advisable. 

If I can be of any further help then please don't hesitate. Take care.  😎 

Daily Driver > Samsung Galaxy s²⁴ Ultra 512Gb ~ Titanium Black.

The advice I offer is my own and does not represent Samsung’s position.
I'm here to help. " This is the way. "

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Samsung Members Star ★★

The diagnostic tool found in the Samsung Members App I would say is accurate as possible @mun_96 

Tske a look in your Device Care Section under Battery to check if any particular app is using up more battery than normal. 

If there is then you can take cation such as clearing it's cache files and consider tweaking it's preference settings,  use sleep or deep sleep mode and or uninstall it. 

There you can use the optimisation tool too.

Also consider clearing the phone's System Partition Cache Files Section as thus can help. 

> Clear Cache Files from the phone's System Partition Section  > You may need to insert your earphones or hook upto a powered On Laptop or use a Tv's USB Port to access the Clear Partition Section. This may help with lag or stutters as this clears the phone of old/unused or broken cache files.There is also a Repair Apps option in the Menu System too. 

Take into consideration that a batteries performance will reduce over time with how it functions in powering the phone.

It's a natural progression of wear and tear from using the phone and charging and recharging cycles. 

A Samsung Service Centre can assess your phone and advise whether a new battery is advisable. 

If I can be of any further help then please don't hesitate. Take care.  😎 

Daily Driver > Samsung Galaxy s²⁴ Ultra 512Gb ~ Titanium Black.

The advice I offer is my own and does not represent Samsung’s position.
I'm here to help. " This is the way. "

Interesting post. Had mine since Jan 21. Decided to replace the battery even though it was showing normal in diagnostics. Decided it was going to go at some point so took action. Good advice above as some apps are real dogs when it comes to drain eg TomTom.
Did changing the battery help or not? And if it helped, by how much?
To be honest not noticed much difference which means the original battery saying normal was probably right.
Thanks for your advice
You're welcome