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Keypad and DTMF tones not working during a call

(Topic created on: 28-08-2022 11:35 AM)


I have a new Samsung Galaxy S10 plus and it seems to be upto date with all software. basically during a call the keypad and DTMF tones don't work, so when i'm through to say a call centre when it says please enter option 1 or 2 etc, it doesn't register at all so very frustrating. I did a chat with Samsung and tried all the things he suggested but nothing. He then said well you will have to contact our Samsung Web developers !! which is frankly quite dissappointing. It still isn't fixed and means I can't do thing like contact my bank or enter payment details during a call. I've come over from Apple and so far not impressed at all. Does anybody have the same issues or any suggestions. i'm on Vodafone. This to me is basic called but it doesn't seem to work or is my phone faulty?

First Poster

Seemed to have success with pressing the number keys longer but later it did not help. Still randomly not working.

First Poster

This worked for me, the other  suggestions did not help (Samsung S8)

First Poster

OMG. This post is absolutely ridiculous and I can't believe that Samsung???? is using this post to claim "Problem Solved". I signed up with Optimum Online in upstate NY 6 months ago. I have had this agravating problem since and, as I bought a Samsung Galaxy A03S from them for $159.00 + tax, I am still putting up with it. I spent probably 6 hours total with Optimum tech support which appears to be outsourced. After 45 minutes you get disconnected, the support rep is required to take the next call in cue so he doesn't call you back and then you call again and have to start all over with a new rep and none of them are aware of this problem (or seem to even be competent). After a couple of months I found this thread which has been going on for 3 years and had 68 posts. Everyone who got advice to try whatever just answered that it didn't work. So this post which says try a bunch of stuff, one at a time,  until it works, "Problem solved" is absurd. I then spent another 6 hours with Samsung tech support, also not familiar with the problem. I eventually bullied Samsung into replacing my phone. Guess what, the second phone, exact same model,  has the EXACT SAME PROBLEM. Now to complete the story, my son is disabled and low income and qualifies for lifeline cell service he uses Safelink Wireless which is basically Tracfone. We purchased the same Samsung model A03S from them (for 60 bucks!!!!!!!) and it does not have this problem. I have also had knowledgeable cell phone sellers tell me that this is a "SERVICE ISSUE", not a phone problem. So, as an Engineer with a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering, I am willing to put some effort into solving this problem. This problem has spanned more than three years and includes several models of Samsung Galaxy phones. I got an email showing me that there was a new post, otherwise I wouldn't even know how to get to the post. I told Samsung tech reps about it but didn't know how to direct them to it. I assume that everyone on the thread got the same email and will now get my post as well. Here is what I would like you all to do. 

Please email if you've had this problem. Please provide the following:

Your email address

Was your problem intermittent as mine was

What model of phone did you have / did anyone ever have this problem on a non-Samsung phone if you are aware of it. 

What state do you live in?

Who is your Cell phone provider?

Anything else that you think is relevant. 

I will collect this information and report to Samsung, and anyone else that seems to be involved. I will also report the results of the analysis when available on this thread.  Perhaps when this is said and done we can ask for compensation from the responsible parties. 

Kanga Blue
First Poster

This is still an intermittent bug on my S10+ in Nov 2022. It's outrageous that Samsung Mark this as resolved. It's not. All the correct settings for key pad tone On and still on some calls Nada.

My phone hadn't auto updated beyond Android 10 and Samsung can't explain why. Maybe that is the fix however the only way I can see to hosted the OS is to go to SamMobile.Com dl the latest forward for your model in my case a G975F and use Odin to update it. Sadly I only have a MacBook these days and am not able to do this though ours likely that it may contain the fix. Yes I turned off the anti spam and call block feature to no avail. Samsung software and support are just not professional. 

First Poster

 Hi, I had the problem where the duration of the touch tone sound was too short or not recognizable by the phone system that I called into. 

I went to the settings under PHONE (the Three Dots in the top right hand corner and turn off then turn on and enabled all of the settings in the menu (hope the attached screenshot shows through). It Works now! 




I have an Note 10+ which is my primary phone of three years. Have Flip 4 (not a fan), S20 (good size), but I crave the built in stylus. Have an S23 ultra on order and will trade S10e, and this may serve as a replacement. The Note 10+ is a workhorse and I Love it, also external memory and DEX which all my Samsung phones have (except for the Flip 4).No ext Mem on the S23 Ultra but there is 512 Gig and also there is DEX. 

Screenshot_20230219-082603_Call settings.jpg

First Poster

I've read through the entire thread and have tried many of the solutions but to no avail.  Samsung 10 used to work fine and I don't know what suddenly changed but other phone systems do not recognize the touch tone on my Samsung 10.  Any more suggestions as to how to resole this frustrating problem?   At least mine used to work for a number of years, but I don' t know what parameters may have changed.....

If you read the original post you'll understand that this is the case, keypad tones & vibration are selected on my Note10+ and neither happen for me either. Makes dealing with phone menus impossible. 😞
Which is where, please?
First Poster

I tried to post by replying to a notice by email but it apparently did not post so I am posting again and I hope for all to see. Samsung has graciously allowed this thread to go on for 4 years now with most of the posts complaining about DTMF tones not working during a call. The other thing that the posters have in common is that they were told to try this and try that and after they tried this and that it still didn't work which makes the phone virtually worthless. I think my post is important and I hope that many of you will respond. Several years ago I got a Samsung A03S with the DTMF tone problem. I spent probably 6 cumulative hours with my service provider Optimum Online (this is important) with there virtually useless outsourced tech support department and got no where. Every contact I had to start over with a new useless support rep. So I then spent about 6 cumulative hours with Samsung tech support, also talking to many different reps and eventually convinced Samsung to sent me a replacement, brand new A03S and guess what, it did the same thing, so it was impossible to make any business calls. I couldn't even press 1 for English.  Now here is where it gets interesting. My son got a brand new Samsung A03S from Tracfone (for less than half the price I paid to Optimum) and it did not have any problem whatsoever. DTMF tones worked perfectly. So, back to my Optimum account. I changed phones to a Motorola Moto G Pure. For the first 6 months the Motorola had no DTMF tone problem. All of a sudden the problem surfaced occasionally but rebooting the phone solved the problem. Sometimes I just hung up and redialed with no problem. Yesterday the problem was severe and I could not conduct any business. Today it is working fine. With all of this evidence I believe this is not a Samsung problem. I believe the problem is with my service provider Optimum Online or at leas t a compatibility issue between the service provider and certain phones. I would appreciate all who still have this problem to post "who is your service provider?" I am in Dutchess County NY. I believe Optimum covers all of NY. I don't know about other states. If half of the posters that have this problem are with Optimum online, that information would be the final nail in Optimum's coffin. 

I do realize though that if it is a software issue, then other service providers may have the same problem throughout the country. 

Please post your service providers and your approximate location. 

First Poster

Nothing worked, but when i disabled the AntiSpamcall filter, the dtmf tones ar working.

Thank you for the Tipp