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S22 Ultra Battery

(Topic created on: 08-04-2022 05:07 AM)

Can I know that whether is it normal or not for battery to get down from 85% to 81% in 15 mins of usage? For usage, I was just using Samsung Internet and Aula education only. I was not using anything else either and as far as I am concerned I think it should not drain that much fast in those 15 mins. I was just using them for around 10 mins and the rest of the time was when I turned on my device. If this is an error please tell me so that I can go for servicing. I have also put lots of apps in deep sleep plus sometimes when I multitask, it lags.

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Helping Hand

No. The proper priming of a lithium polymer battery is eas and should not take more that 4 - 7 days depending on discharge rate. basically, the procedure is the following: 

when you get your phone, use your phone normally and allow it to drain all the way down, until the phone shuts because of drained battery. then charge it all the way up, until it says fully charged. DO NOT USE OR TOUCH the phone while charging during priming period. once the phone is fully charged, use it normally until it drains all the way until the phone shuts off, then charge again until fully charged. repeat discharge/charge routine 3 times in a row. after the last full charge, the priming has completed. That't all there is to it, that easy, that simple.

The FACT that i PRETEND to believe you, DOES NOT mean i actually believe you.
Helping Hand

it depends in many things:

the fact that you are not interacting with other apps, does not mean the apps don't have their background activities and usage.

if you are in the sun, the screen is bright, this uses alot more battery, than being in the shadow, where the screen is darker. 

do you use the s pen? If yes, this drains battery. the s pen has its own small battery that needs to be maintained. the phone uses its own battery as power source for the purpose. 

also do you have always on screen? always on screen with fancy animations eat battery like crazy. 

Screenshot_20220417-104944_Device care.jpg

my s22 ultra battery status, i use the phone a lot, all i did was to uninstall all and any apps i no not need and do mot use, disable always on screen, apply april patch, after that wipe caches after that repair apps but after the april patch is installed. repair apps does not meant factory reset as many people do. factory reset does not work and it makes no sense performing it. repair apps is performed after the cache wipe, not before that. my phone lasts more that 2 days of use. i charge every other day. you do as you want its your phone after all, don't drag me trough your drama. i am not your personal psycho-therapist tonsubject myself to your whining and complaining about everything.

my phone is using inferior EXYNOS 2200 chip, android 12, one ui 4.1, april patch. 

The FACT that i PRETEND to believe you, DOES NOT mean i actually believe you.