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No record call option

(Topic created on: 04-02-2025 03:10 PM)
First Poster


I live in Israel, I bought Samsung Tab A9+, but there is not "record call" option in Call settings.

What can I do? why it is missing?


Aye indeed the qestion posted by the user was enquiry about call recording option.
I am not disagreeing with anyone about that, and that the function may not be available in certain regions ect because of privacy laws and all that .

I was just pointing and suggesting a work around which can do exactly what the user is asking , Which the "Screen recording" tile can provide and also record both party's when media and mic permissions are allowed ?
Samsung Members Star ★
And that is the point. It is unethical and in some countries illegal to record calls without advising the other person that you are doing so......

Hence why it may not be possible
S24 Ultra
Aye i totally agree that if recording a phonecall Videocall as such you are legally required in most country's to inform the receiving caller/incoming caller to be informed that they are being recorded.

With that being said "Screen Recording" Tile can "Screen Record" incoming/outgoing calls /videocall and Mic audio if given permission so both users are being recorded .

and this is Legal when done right and inform the caller/videocaller as soon as they connect that this call is being record and that the caller has option to hang up if they do not wish to be recorded.

And can be very Handy when disagreements/Disputes happen with a company . Many times ive asked for the recorded call to be looked at and 6/10 they can find it but 4/10 somehow they can't find it and just offer credit or something for the problems.

And just like the company does and record the calls ive sometimes used "Screen recording" to record calls from companies and inform them that they to are also being recorded on my end so I have my own copy of the recorded call and have evidence and proof of what both parties said in that phoncall.

Again I am not disagreeing that Recording without the user/callers consent is NOT okay and is illegal in most countries. Without there Consent/Permission.
Samsung Members Star ★
You hit the nail on the head when you said "if done right"

Sadly not everyone plays by the rules
S24 Ultra
Piper indeed indeed i couldn't agree more 🙏and that
unfortunately they're are people that will not use the feature in the correct legal manner that is intended for.

But the rest of us shouldn't lose out because of these people that Don't play by the rules.

With that being said when used in the correct legal manner To "Screen record " Calls/Videocalls it can be a very useful feature since it can record both parties.
As I said Especially with Disputes or disagreements with companies And that's just one example .

Hope having a Wonderful Week btw Piper 🤟 seem like a very respectable decent person 🙏