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A53 One UI 6 Issues

(Topic created on: 15-01-2024 12:55 PM)


I immidiately noticed the following issues after updating my Galaxy A53 5G # to One UI 6



5G speed dropped from 12-24MBs to 300KBs max. 4G speed dropped from 4-6MBs to 200KBs max.

Ookla Speed Monitor speed result on 5G:

Ookla Speed Monitor speed result on 5GOokla Speed Monitor speed result on 5G


MEGA speed on 5G:

MEGA speed on 5GMEGA speed on 5G


Turned on VoLTE after all this time and this is the result:

VoLTE on, 4G+VoLTE on, 4G+


Nevermind 😑






Sometimes, 64MP photos are warped (16MP for comparison). Holding for photo or not was not the cause for this error.








Oh lord the front cam 🤢

Photo taken from Front Cam (Edited for obvious reasons)Photo taken from Front Cam (Edited for obvious reasons)


Same view (Panned a little) taken from the 16MP main cam:

Same view taken from the Main CamSame view taken from the Main Cam




Fingerprint does not light up randomly. I have to go to lockscreen and then use the fingerprint.

Slightest smudge now interferes with recognizing the fingerprint.



Idle (Display off) is improved.

Usage is worsened. That does not matter as I was already charging it at least twice a day anyway.

(Clarification: A53 5G battery is already bad that I have to charge the brand new device few times a day, after using facebook (lite app), whatsapp, instagram (non-lite app), light browsing (Firefox and Chrome), some calls (less than 30 minutes a day)


Further Bugs Noticed

  • Adaptive brightness is either too dim or too bright when light changes drastically.
  • Gestures are not always responsive. It becomes just scrolling/swiping randomly.
  • Battery heats up using Facebook Lite, goes upto 37°C easy. Previously it was just the processor, battery barely hit 35°C. It's just 2 degrees because I stop using the device at th 37°C warning.
  • Charging is also slow. Takes about 30 mins or so more to charge 10-90%



Things I tried

Resetting Network Settings (Network, Bluetooth, and WiFi) - No impact

Resetting All Settings - No impact

Factory Resetting - No Impact

Clearing Cache Partition - UI lags are rare now


Do other users have these bugs? What are the fixes/ workarounds you found?

Why are there a concerning amount of bugs coming from the No.1 Android phone manufacturer, and why are they not yet fixed?



(Below devices were started being hyped by "influencers" about a month after the above update)

Galaxy S24Galaxy S24+Galaxy S24 Ultra


2024.03.22 Update (OneUI 6, Android 14, 01 March 2024 security patch):

Network speed

It looks fine after this update. But I'll have to do more tests as I was inside a star hotel.

2024.03.22 Patch Update2024.03.22 Patch Update


Network Update 2: It seems back to normal. Here are the speeds in "real world" for me:

An area where network coverage is average-high (auto youtube quality is 480p):

4G+ on a highway, traveling at about 80kmh, during rain4G+ on a highway, traveling at about 80kmh, during rain

In an area where network coverage is medium-low (auto youtube quality is 240p)

4G+ at a bus stop4G+ at a bus stop



Did not check 64MP. Might check later. (Honestly forgot as I stopped using it)

16MP and Ultra wide which I use are doing just fine.



Same issues are still there.


Battery Life:

It is much much worse now.

Usage on 2024.03.21 - Before updateUsage on 2024.03.21 - Before update
2024.03.22 - Before Update2024.03.22 - Before Update
2024.03.23 - Before update2024.03.23 - Before update
2024.03.24 - Date of update2024.03.24 - Date of update

2024.03.25 - 1 Day after the update2024.03.25 - 1 Day after the update



Battery Update 2: Cleaned the Cache partition. Now battery life is back to its original useless self.

2024.04.05 battery usage2024.04.05 battery usage
2024.04.06 battery usage2024.04.06 battery usage


Further Bugs Noticed

  • Adaptive brightness is still buggy.
  • Gestures seems to be back to normal.
  • Battery heating up issue is there if the network is unstable (switching between 5G, 4G+, 4G) or coverage is low.
  • Charging is good, but not back to what it was.

Overall, this has been an interesting security patch.


I have one more question though. How are you going to fix the phones that were bricked by your buggy update?



Unfortunately, selling bugs is the norm now.

In my opinion, moving away from preventable bugs like this is smart as the end-user. Specially since they treated the Galaxy S23 lineup the same way.


You are welcome.

I used the Samsung Members app first. It has a dedicated option to send reports. It may not be present in the app drawer. In that case, searching reveals it.

Samsung Members app. Send Feedback section.Samsung Members app. Send Feedback section.