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Privacy Policy on Smart TV's

(Topic created on: 29-07-2018 10:23 PM)
Samsung Members Star ★★

Following the Data protection regulations   (GDPR)  drawing attention to Samsung's privacy policy, in this section with particular regard to Smart TV's.    Data about TV history may be collected, however you have some control and can decide on your own  privacy settings.    In connection with advertisements Internet Based Advertisements   (IBA services) aim to provide you with information from Samsung and 3rd parties  , however this service can be disabled via the Tv Settings.


Will include the detail directly here as area which can cause some concern:


Internet Based Advertisement Services


"The Interest-Based Advertisement Services (the “IBA Services”) is designed to provide the ability to obtain and view useful, interactive, and interest based advertisements about products and services offered by Samsung and third parties on your Samsung Smart TV or across various Samsung and third party platforms or devices, including linear commercials, on the web, mobile devices, and tablets.

In order to make the advertising on your devices more relevant to you, the IBA service will rely on your TV viewing history (including information about the networks, channels, websites visited, and programmes viewed on your Samsung Smart TV and the amount of time spent viewing them), Samsung Smart TV usage information, and other statistical data obtained from trusted third party data sources. We may use automatic content recognition (ACR) and other technologies to capture your TV viewing history.

Based on the information above we create groups of Samsung Smart TV owners who share similar interests and use these groups for the IBA Service. The information above is used to determine the groups to which your Samsung Smart TV is assigned and thus, which advertisements your devices receive.

You may disable the IBA Service at any time by visiting the Settings menu on your Samsung Smart TV.

Please note that your privacy choice with respect to the IBA Service will not affect whether or not you receive or are served with other types of ads and marketing that are not specifically based on TV viewing history or Samsung Smart TV usage information. Those other types of ads and marketing will be based on other information such as generalised location and other estimated or inferred information. They might be less relevant because they are not based on your interests.

For more detailed information about the IBA Services, please refer to the IBA Services Privacy Notice at the bottom of this Supplement" .


Full Privacy Policy for those who are interested



I do not work for Samsung or make Samsung Products but provide independent advice and valuable contributions.

First Poster

Why on earth would I want advertising from my TV. I cannot believe that a company the size of Samsung would think it is OK to snoop on my personal viewing habits.


Words fail me that people think this is OK



Samsung and it’s undeletable spyware apps are starting to get noticed.

i don’t want these apps installed on my tv, but as you can’t remove them, it begs the question what data are they sending back.


i hope Samsung get sued and lose for this.

its greed, pure and simple.


When I purchase an electronic device such as smart tv, I am its sole owner and having paid for it, it is for my sole use.

Now, while I appreciate that poor samsung corporation wants to make an extra buck - it is illegal for them to gain access or control contents on such a device, in one way or another, without my writtent consent. It is otherwise a breach of privacy laws.


Now, for those who do not want a corporation thinking that they are above the law snooping around their devices, there is a very simple solution. For mobile divices a wrapper app and a vpn or proxy server with all outgoing and incoming traffic being filtered tonweed out any unwanted traffic.

For smart tv, a dead easy to setup raspberry pi withan installed "pi hole", sending a specific advertising traffic right into the drain. Overall cost perhaps 30 bucks for hardware that we plug into the line between phone socket and router + open source free software. Tons of instructions online, just type in "pi hole".


Thank you.

Samsung Members Star ★★

Know some customers will be frustrated but just to clarify as far as I can see samsung aim to  comply with relevant legislation.  You can opt out of the IBA service but this only affects relevant advertisements, based on your interests.


From privacy policy:


[For European Economic Area (EEA) Residents Only]

Your use of our Services will involve the transfer, storage, and processing of your personal information outside of your country of residence, to Korea, consistent with this policy. In addition, your use of the Services may also involve the transfer, storage, and processing of your personal information to other countries; such countries include, without limitation, countries in the European Economic Area, the United States of America, and Canada. Please note that the data protection and other laws of countries outside the European Economic Area to which your information may be transferred might not be as comprehensive as those in your country. We will take appropriate measures, in compliance with applicable law, to ensure that your personal information remains protected. Such measures include the use of Standard Contractual Clauses to safeguard the transfer of data outside of the EEA. For more information, or to obtain a copy of the contractual agreements in place, please contact us at our Privacy Support Page (
Bear in mind, that your privacy choice may affect the availability or quality of the specific viewing information based service.  Information if you have any conerns or believe there are infringements


Data Controller

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
129, Samsung-ro, Yeongtong-gu,
Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do 16677, Republic of Korea

[For European Economic Area (EEA) Residents Only]

Samsung Electronics has offices across Europe, so we can ensure that your request or query will be handled by the data protection team based in your region.

The easiest way to contact us is through our Privacy Support Page at

You can also contact us at:

European Data Protection Officer
Samsung Electronics (UK) Limited
Samsung House, 1000 Hillswood Drive, Chertsey, Surrey KT16 0PS

You can lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority if you consider that our processing of your personal information infringes applicable law. Contact details for all EU supervisory authorities can be found at



There will be workarounds but any hacks should not be discussed in detail on the Community.

I do not work for Samsung or make Samsung Products but provide independent advice and valuable contributions.

Anonymous User
Not applicable
Samsung Executives have stolen our money in order to exploit us. We are not told before sale, that what we are purchasing is USELESS, unless we agree to their extortionary ransom of OUR PERSONAL DATA. They should be hung!