30-12-2017 08:06 AM
I have just purchased a Brand New 2017 Smart TV Model UE55MU6120 in the UK.
My previous Samsung TVs have all had the ability to edit the channel list, for example, move all the HD channels to the top of the list, so when I click 1 I get BBC 1 HD, when I click 2 I get BBC 2 HD etc.
If i go to Channel list --> Edit Channels , the option to Rename Channel is grayed out
Why is this feature not available ?
I have tried editing the Channel list by selecting Settings-->Broadcasting-->Expert Settings-->Transfer Channel List
Exporting the Channel List via USB, editing the list on my PC, then importing via USB
This does work but when the TV is switched off at night and turned on the following morning it has reverted back to the standard Channel list
Why is this happening ?
10-03-2020 05:22 PM
what i ended up doing was to do a favorite list and add hd channels as 1 2 3 4 5 etc
10-03-2020 11:56 PM
Anybody knows how to export channel list on this model:
29-03-2020 11:29 AM
Let me share with you something toooootally strange that happened to me today on UE75NU7102. This TV also does not have "transfer channel list" in the antenna expert menu, which I hate but have to live with it as Samsung doesn't care (I will never buy Samsung again).
But to the story:
Yesterday while browsing through the USB disk with movies my tv suddenly poped up a message that there is no storage space left on the tv and it recommends the "factory reset" to free up space. I guess some cache regarding settings/netflix/spotify/web-browser and usb content must have eaten the tv storage. I skipped this message as I didn't want to set up everything again from scratch (filling up favorites with all channels in demanded order is hell).
Today my tv started to act strangely - it lost regional symbols in the tv-guide view and lost channel previev in there. I started to crawl through settings to find the regional language options and guest what I've found? "Transfer channel list from/to USB" option in expert settings of antenna menu!!! It was simply there. I thought "hey, maybe it appeared there with some recent upgrade and I have never noticed?... great!". Anyway I didn't find any regional misconfigurations so I put this lost symbols problem to the fact that the memory is full and maybe it couldn't load something...
OK, so I resetted the tv to the factory settings, searched again for all channels and the problems with regional symbols went away all right, so I set up all picture/sound settings again and then thought "great, now let's try this channel list transfer!"... and guess again what? This option magically disappeared from menu, like it wasn't there previously... I mean WTF?!?!?!?!?!?
Also some other settings in menu look different then recently, like "clock" option is greyed out and I can't enter there to set up clock (fortunately the time is all right, but what if it wasn't?).
My theory on that magic is the following:
I think this Series 7 tv has the same common features in the menu like all other Sams TVs, just some options are hidden by the company... At the incident of full cache memory maybe the tv got lost some settings and those restrictions so I could see the hidden options. When I cleared the tv cache it got restricted again and we're back from scratch.
Geez this tv is really giving me a headache and I will never buy Samsung again.
29-03-2020 01:39 PM
I have a related problem: how do I change Pid's. tids and symbolrates and so on?
I have two channels - unencrypted- the samsung Tv can't find the channels- or in other words, it find the two channels but no picture and no sound. One of them is TVE Internactional HD frequency 12.3o3 Mhz V. (on Hotbird 13 E)
If i "walk" through the channellist on Hotbird 13 E, there are tons of channels that are found but not possible to see, and I repeat, it is not scrambled channels I talk about it is free to air channels.
On same frequency Telesur venezuela works, TVE Internacional HD and 24 Horas HD are not working. Both channels started to broadcast in HD, on that frequency on december 12th 2019.
How often are the channels lists updated?
How to upload new lists? or how to change channel data manually?
If a frequency changes charateristics and/or frequency for example from sd to HD, how to change values?
- so that the TV can find -and show- the channels.
Thanx for any answer that helps
have a nice day
15-05-2020 05:36 PM
Did you find out how to transfer channle list?
I have the same problme with Samsung N5300 TV
15-05-2020 06:06 PM
I just bought Samsung TV N5300, i am trying to find (channle transfer) optine to transfer a channel list from USB, but i can't find the option.
Can any one help?
15-05-2020 06:09 PM
As a matter of fact I did. Wanted to share my surprising findings here but had no time and eventually forgotten. Thanx for the comment which reminded mi of this discussions.
Guys, I finally managed the "transfer channel list to/from usb" to miraculously appear in the menu of my UE75NU7102 not-so-smartTV :-D.
Let me share with you how I did it, as it is very very surprising. When I bought that tv and set it up with my cable provider I sadly did not find the "usb channel-list transfer" in the TV menu, so I blamed Samsung for taking it out in this model and I accepted it but my heart got broken. Promised not to buy a Samsung again. After a sad year with the random channel order I came to the situation that I was describing in my previous post - that I spotted this option in the menu while messing with "factory settings" of my tv and so on. You can read about it in my last post.
After this situation I started to mess with the settings again and here's what I've found:
It looks like the "transfer channel-list" option is not hidden by Samsung but by your cable tv provider!!! When setting up the TV from the factory settings I choosed my country and then the option appeared to set up the tv to my cable tv provider (the company name appeared in the list, so looks like there were some presets ready on the CI module that I got from the cable tv provider). When I selected it all channels got programmed and it looked like some channel-options got blocked - for example I couldn't change the channel number despite the fact that the tv had this option but it was greyed out. Also couln't delete any channel. Looks like the cable tv provider somehow block channel operations including channel transfer. What I did and what actually helped was unexpected. I resetted the tv again and started to set it up again, but this time I chosed another country (I'm from Poland but choosed Czech Republic instead). This time the TV did not recognize my cable tv provider and asked to enter some channel search settings like "network ID", "Frequency", "Modulation" and "Symbol transmission speed". All those data were included in my cable tv provider's manual, but it was not needed when the proper country was chosen, probably because at that time the provider was somehow automatically recognized and the predefined settings got applied. Anyway after giving all those data, the TV scanned the channels and found them all very well - strangely also some test-channels appeared which were never there, like "test1", "test2", etc. with no content or with colour stripes on them. But it was not relevant because I could freely delete them. And guess what? In that mode the "transfer channel-list to/from usb" option appeared in the settings!!!!!!
I was afraid that choosing the wrong country will prevent some Polish regional characters to decode properly in the tv-guide (you know, we have some special chars like ęóąśłćń :-D) but that was not the case.
So to conclude. Your cable provider can tamper with tv-channel options. To bypass that you need to choose another country at the begining of the TV set up and then you need to have some technical signal data to input that are specified to your cable tv provider - I guess you should obtain that from the company - my provider wrote them all in the installation guide. In my case this all regarded a TV with cable tv CI module.
Good luck with your tv's!!!
Best regards,
18-05-2020 07:56 AM - last edited 18-05-2020 07:58 AM
Ok guys. The things are really simple.
All you have to do is like following:
-Reset your tv and choose OTHER at Cable Provider Setup. Search for Complete List (not quick or manual).
-After step from above you should have the option to export your channel list to and from USB.
-Export your channel list to USB (USB must be FAT32) and connect to your PC
-I use this program for channel order list: https://github.com/PredatH0r/ChanSort/releases
-Reorder channels and save your file on USB
-Connect to your TV and import back using the same option from settings.
-Make sure that you disable auto channle search, otherwise the TV will reset channel list everytime to search for new ones.
Note: If you choose your Service Provider at setup up, maybe you will not see the option for export channels. That's depend on you Service Provider, not by your TV.
*Samsung must be blame only for DTS Suport removal from 2018-> TV's. Not for other kind of problems
Have fun !
03-06-2020 07:06 PM - last edited 03-06-2020 07:08 PM
I tried every thing you said, and still can not find the transfer channel list option
Cable provider option is not existing in setup
I tried to choose every country and go to see if the transfer option appears, but still nothing