06-11-2021 08:10 PM
Hi! I have recently gotten a brand new Samsung Galaxy Tab A7. After only 2 days of use, I saw a weird line screen retention thingy pop up on top right corner of my tablet when held horizontally with the front camera above. I have factory resetted my tablet, and this did not resolve my issue. Please give me the best solution not involving the opening of the tablet if possible.Screen issue
08-11-2021 01:02 PM
09-11-2021 07:12 PM
You're totally right. Problem is, I found the tablet being sold for a little bit cheap price compared to the market price somewhere else. I ended up getting the tablet from there and now the guy isn't even taking the responsibility for the screen problem. Although the screen issue is not very visible in many conditions, it still irritates me sometimes although not so much now. Moral of the story: Don't buy anything from a stranger. I have learnt my lesson, hope this serves as a lesson for others too.
09-11-2021 11:59 PM
08-03-2022 02:56 PM
Is it a manufacturing defect?