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Galaxy S24 Series

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Who Me Too'd this topic

First Poster
Hi everyone,

I recently updated my Galaxy S24 to the latest firmware, and I'm experiencing some serious battery life issues. I only charge my phone to 80 percent, and with moderate use, I'm lucky to get a few hours out of it. It's gotten to the point where I need to charge it a couple of times a day, which is rather annoying. 

I was under the impression that battery life would be much better after upgrading from the Galaxy S21. I've been a Samsung user for years, and it's never been this bad. I use my phone for work and personal stuff, so having to carry a charger everywhere is a major inconvenience.

Has anyone else noticed a drop in battery life since the last update? Any tips or solutions would be appreciated. I've already tried reducing screen brightness, disabling background apps, and turning off location services, but nothing seems to help.

Thanks in advance for any advice!
Who Me Too'd this topic