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(Topic created on: 29-04-2024 10:41 AM)
People not being able to hear me is a major issue to have for a phone. (An expensive phone)
I have looked at the latest phone reviews on Samsung S23 which also have this ignored issue. I have this issue on my S21 and another previous Samsung phone.

Especially being on a very important phone call with a company and possibly have been waiting on hold to then cine on the phone to be saying
"hello, hello, hello, can you hear me"
to each other with sections being blanked out completely to then having a useless conversation that requires one side hanging up on the other.

I love Samsung but this issue a serious, hair pulling, fulstrating, infuriating issue to have.
This is supposed to be a phone first, for phone calls before being a streaming device or Web browser or anything else !

My gf is on the same network as me but I have to regularly use her IPhone which I'm not pleased about alone lol, to have a conversation especially if it's important. 
This shows it is a phone issue.

Next Samsung will say is your mic working, is your device up to date, it could be a network issue, have you done this. Have you done that....

Firstly I am a tech guy. Naturally by hobby and occupation. Secondly I have used phones and phone calls all my life.
What I'm saying is Samsung have to stop insulting our intelligence...

The problem is with the phones when it comes to this issue. I am having calling issues with these phones straight out the box and not just by one model. 

Please as a community lets have this addressed or better still Samsung please address this !! 

I've had the phone sent to you under warranty and sent back with everything's okay, but we both know it isn't.
I am not the first or the last if your look through the forums and reddit etc with this issue.
It's a common problem. This tells you something. 

I really wouldn't want to use another device, i really big up Samsung and enjoy your products. 

its just having a phone call issue for a phone is diabolical. Please help🙏
Samsung Members Star ★
As a "tech guy" then you'll already know that troubleshooting is part and parcel of resolving any issue. So, firstly (if you really do want help)...

What troubleshooting methods have you already done?

Here's a link to get you started
I've told you already in the original message I've done absolutely everything. There is even a code you can do to test the microphones and everything. I've done those. The problem is when making them actual calls over cellular, i believe the mic is fine.
Ive done every troubleshooting test, believe me like God if you believe in him. I've done EVERYTHING.

Dont take it personally. It's just an issue Samsung needs to get right. Im sure its a small thing that can be rectified. Its a minor thing in broad comparison of the rest of stuff they actually do right. (Which is everything else tbh) But its a big thing in annoyance of this particular issue.
If you can do something better than me sending the actual device to Samsung after all troubleshooting which can be done in the world to get it working accordingly then I will gladly allow you to keep talking and I will listen.
If not, then keep calm and....

(Ps don't worry, I don't hate Samsung. I actually like them)
Samsung Members Star ★
With all due respect, you didn't mention any troubleshooting steps in your original post. I wouldn't have suggested it otherwise.

I'm afraid if Samsung has already inspected the device and found it to be in good working order, and you've already done every test under the sun, then other than getting a second opinion, there's not much more you or I can do.

If it wasn't for the fact that you mentioned your gf's phone (on the same network) works well, then I'd have put it down to a mobile signal black spot. But you seemed to have boxed that off, too.

My S23U works perfectly, btw. I've also owned the S21, S22, S10, S8, and S6, all of which worked flawlessly "out of the box."

I think we're done here...
It could be a mobile signal black spot with Samsung as it doesn't work well in my frequent staying locations.
When taking a walk and outside else where it works well and at other times. It's just quite sad I can't use it in my most comfortable places when I'm doing the most important things. Like my gf's phone does with much clarity.
There is nothing I can do but change phone if I was desperate to rectify the issue at this point.
First Poster

Thank you so much for posting this.  I am having the exact same issue.  I have contacted Samsung multiple times and they can't figure out the problem.  I have done everything Samsung has told me to do including factory reset several times, clearing cache for all apps, etc etc but the problem continues. Before switching to the S23, I was a diehard Blackberrry user.  People would laugh at me for using a Blackberry but I NEVER had a problem with their phones.  Because the calls are so inconsistent on the S23, I am having to resort to putting my SIM card in my 7 year old Blackberry and its works perfectly. Same with my 10 year old Blackberry.  So it's clearly not a SIM or network issue.  This is so incredibly frustrating.

Yeah it's really bad. Samsung does not have a fix and they don't seem to know what the problem is as they say everything is fine.
There are more posts I have seen with my issue so it's clearly a Samsung issue.
They really should recall this phone or give people back there money because it isn't right. I have just hung up on yet another important call sorting out some bills and have to use the wife's iPhone who is on the same network and it is fine without them saying "hello, hello, hello, are you there".
First Poster

This is an update to my original post. Although I thought this problem was related to my Samsung phone, I now believe it was related to the network.  I am in Canada where two of the major providers are Bell and Rogers. I was with Bell when I was having this problem.  When I went into a cell phone shop, the manager told me that he was having the same issue on the Bell network and it stopped after switching to Rogers. When I switched to Rogers, the problem stopped.  A week later, I switched back to Bell just as a test.  Again I had the problem.  A few months ago I switched back to Rogers and I haven't had the problem since.  It's weird because I know a few people with Bell who have the problem but most don't. I wonder if the issue is specific to a Samsung phone on the Bell network???  One caveat: I use prepaid plans offered by third parties that purchase the use of lines on the Bell or Rogers networks.  I have never had a plan directly with Bell or Rogers.