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Sly sneaky scammers that are Samsung! AVOID!

(Topic created on: 25-07-2023 01:31 AM)

So after the june/july updates, I have found 2 people I personally know that have the exact same problem as me and many many others that I've read on forums, I have the s21 ultra as does my cousin, who uses it for his surgery and my friend has a s21. The problem is the phone is restarting randomly, on all 3 phones the same bloody issue. I've spoken to samsung and they say it's a motherboard problem on mine and my cousins (LOL) funny it should happen straight after an update! They knew from the error reports apparently, so why is the updates causing motherboard issues?? 

My cousin got exactly the same reply and my friend is still waiting for his report. This is very bad and sly samsung I know exactly what you're doing! It's not the motherboard at all! You only say that as NO ONE will spend £350 plus on fitting a new motherboard onto a phone that's worth less than the motherboard! For that price you could literally buy a good condition secondhand s21U phone. Its a fob off, its 100% a software issue, they ruin phones after updates on purpose, just look through these forums and half of the issues are update related, they've been doing this in Italy too for which they got fined millions for. They want you to fix it with them, making them tonnes of money or getting rid of the two year old phone and buying a new one, making them tonnes more, it's a win-win situation for samsung. I will not let this slide and I'm in the process of taking samsung to court, well my cousin (who's a surgeon) is but I'm with him all the way, it will take a while but in the end it will be worth it. I'm gathering as much evidence as possible and as many victims as possible. So if your phone messed up after an update, shortly after the two year warranty was over please inbox me or email me at my samsung username (dont worry about costs, my cousin has a very good legal team).
Over the past few months they ruined almost 2000 pounds worth of my devices (watch 4 Pro and s21U) which is unacceptable! Even the younger South Koreans are moving onto the iPhone and that says something! Its 2023, updates really shouldnt be messing up so many phones, technology is advancing not regressing. Samsung make good phones but they're very underhanded and sly, in terms of making sure some people's phones don't last more than two years so you buy a replacement, its called planned obsolescence if you dont believe me. Enough is enough, samsung will pay for this, I've made it my mission, it's become personal now.
Also if it is a samsung issue (which it 100% is) samsung should fix this issue for free even if its over the warranty period? Correct? But will they? No, they will find a BS reason not to. Like the motherboard has gone LOL
The terms say you MAY need proof, could've hilighted the may bit 😅 I had an iPhone 6 which broke, they fixed it without a receipt, all they did was check the serial number that's it. You're definitely samsungs PR rep... trying oh so hard to make it look like its just 'me, cousin and a friend' who suffered from this when blatantly there's thousands more and you know that too but you're making out its a very very rare issue that a handful of people are facing, shame on you! You work for samsung, think about your credibility..1691509498027_1691509498007_0.jpg

Its clear as day light, without any doubt at all, thousands and thousands of S21's have messed up after recent updates (99% of the time when the warranty has ran out), mainly the restart issues.. But according to some fanboys on here naming no names (AntS) this is just happening to 'my phone, my cousins and my friends'. What a liar! Him being a regular user of this forum, knows better than anyone else that this is a real issue and definitely not just affecting a handful of people, so why not acknowledge this issue instead of gaslighting me and trying to make me look like I'm mad and the only one with this issue? You know ***** well this is happening after updates! He sounds like hes on Samsungs PR payroll the way he defends the indefensible! 

There's hardly any major differences between the S21, S22 and the S23.. So if a S21 lasts for 5 years, how would Scamsung sell a truck load of the newer models? They wouldn't! Speak to Samsung's tech dept and they'll tell you its a motherboard issue.. LOLOL yeah right, a motherboard issue that's affecting thousands of people after a software update.. Riiight of course it is, who the heck are they kidding, how stupid do these guys think people are... they say its a motherboard issue because they know full well that no one is going to pay £350 for a new motherboard as the S21 isn't even worth that. A perfect fob off.. 


Anyway guys I'm in the process of taking legal action, so far I have around 13 people who are willing to provide evidence, I would personally like around a hundred people before I take this case forward, minimum 50, to at least stand a chance in court. If you have the same issue and willing to give evidence please email me, its my username I'm getting evidence together while my cousin who is a surgeon will be covering the financial side of it, after we have enough people, we will get a qualified software engineer to find out what's going on, it will be a lenghty process but it has to be done.  At the very least you have to give them as much bad publicity as possible, go on reddit, go on review sites, tell yoyr frinds and family and absolutely hammer them, as we dont want others falling for this scam. This scam is totally unacceptable and Samsung should fix this issue FREE of charge as its their own doing. OK fair enough it could be a genuine error on their part if its not a scam, in which case, ACCEPT LIABILTY AND FIX THE ISSUE instead of trying to fob us off and lying to us!! Obviously this will be the last Samsung item I ever buy, I have a fridge freezer, a microwave, tablet and phones from Samsung and as the years go by, Samsungs standards are dropping severely, they cared about their customers once, now they're too big they don't give two flicks, its JUST about profit margins now, they even took away the snapdragon chip and replaced it with their own inferior EXYNOS chip, to save money on a product they're selling for well over £1200! How trampy can you get... might as well use cardboard for the casing next!

These schemers even got fined MILLIONS for planned obsolescence, the article states they plan to appeal but again that was just a PR stunt to come out of this looking slightly better, to make it look like they did nothing wrong and there was no appeal!

 Apple and Samsung fined for deliberately slowing down phones | Apple | The Guardian


Its truly shocking to see how Samsung operate now and its such a shame... The ONLY way they will learn is when they start losing customers by the droves, that's when you will see Samsung phones magically lasting years with minimal issues!

Samsung Members Star ★
Give it a rest
'Fanboys' 😂 😂 😂

To be fair this is a samsung forum and hence most of the users are owners of Samsung devices.

It doesn't make everyone a fan boy... but you can probably judge from the numbers in here that there are a lot of happy owners and users of Samsung devices.

I had an S21 ultra phone for two and a half years from pre-release, up until just a few weeks ago.

It worked flawlessly, no issues with updates and was a fantastic device. 👌

Before that an S10 plus... and an S8 plus... and a previous 3 or 4 gens before that.

I think your comments about other members of the forum are un-justified and completely wrong.

These conspiracy theories that you mention have no real fact or evidence and you have no chance of proving or taking this to court.

If there is a software problem... then these can happen... it is not easy to make a perfect software build all the time ! This will be identified and will likely be fixed soon enough !

However, If you have a hardware issue then I am sorry to hear that... but you must be an unlikely case. ALL electronics will have a failure rate. Production machines and PCB materials are not 100% perfect. But they are pretty good these days... much better than 20 years ago. I know... because I am a hardware electronics engineer and work within such an industry !

I think you would do better to take a deep breath... accept the loss of a phone that is nearly 3 years old as having a hardware issue, and find a phone you are happy with...non-samsung of course.

P.s. if your car breaks down after 4 years of ownership due to a faulty part... do you also accuse them of deliberately inflicting something after the 3 year warranty has finished ?

- Smiley

Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 Pro SM-R920 in Grey Titanium
Samsung Galaxy Buds2 Pro SM-R510 in Graphite

@Scoobs222 wrote:
The terms say you MAY need proof, could've hilighted the may bit 😅 I had an iPhone 6 which broke, they fixed it without a receipt, all they did was check the serial number that's it. You're definitely samsungs PR rep... trying oh so hard to make it look like its just 'me, cousin and a friend' who suffered from this when blatantly there's thousands more and you know that too but you're making out its a very very rare issue that a handful of people are facing, shame on you! You work for samsung, think about your credibility..1691509498027_1691509498007_0.jpg

You originally said:


"yes they were trying to pull a fast one, if its still in warranty, why would they need the receipt, with apple watches it's not like that, it just needs to be in warranty"


Apple terms clearly state they may ask for Proof of Purchase, and can refuse warranty claims if there isn’t any Proof of Purchase. And apparently occasionally they do ask:


Screenshot 2023-08-09 091851.jpg


Product bought from eBay still in its warranty period in need of a repair? And 105 ‘Me too’s’ so far since 2018 suggests that they’re not alone. It appears Apple wanted Proof of Purchase for a lost in transit claim for the OP. Unsure whether that’s the case for the other 105. Notable that the OP didn’t accuse Apple of “pulling a fast one” for even asking.


And these too:


Not the only manufacturer that may ask for it either:


Asking for proof for verification for a claim isn’t bad or dodgy in most people's books; apart from those who don’t have it and/or are otherwise angry at having their own dodgy behaviour thwarted. Are you really sure that you want to say that being asked for verification and proof when making a claim for or about something is wrong? Maybe you should have a chat with your cousin and their team about this sort of thing, as they should put you straight.


I never said it was an extremely rare issue (and I’m not sure how you managed to draw that conclusion when my posts are just above). Only that it’s highly unlikely that you’re the victims of deliberate sabotage from Samsung... or indeed from anyone.


Why? Because I’m fully aware that things going wrong doesn’t necessarily equal deliberate sabotage. There can be other causes for things going wrong. But strangely you were still claiming that what you and everyone else is experiencing is absolutely, completely, stonewall, 100% deliberate sabotage from Samsung… despite the evidence to the contrary; and with nothing supporting that conclusion other than you saying it and complete faith that your cousin's team and experts will find the smoking gun.


I'll make it easier for you with an example. A room being dark doesn't necessarily mean that someone broke the light bulb. Could be that the light's been switched off; that there is no light or light bulb; that the electricity isn't flowing... and so on. Numbers of those affected are irrelevant to that too: millions can be affected by a natural disaster such as an earthquake or flooding without it being a result of a deliberate attempt by someone.


You leapt to a conclusion; and then stuck with it.


Are you sure that it’s my credibility that’s gone here? I haven’t at all hidden the fact that I work for Samsung; I haven’t made accusatory claims without some sort of backing; and have provided links and screenshots for people to follow and check out for themselves so they can draw their own conclusions.


@Scoobs222 , I've merged your topics. Might be best to keep these posts in one place so folks can keep better track of who's said what and why, as well as it getting  more visibility for you.

First Poster
I had the same .why?
@jockney it's a scam to make you buy newer phones, seek legal advice