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(Topic created on: 26-12-2021 03:13 PM)
Why is the camera on the S21 ultra so bad.

Any object that moves is a blurry mess. The same happens with night time photos. Any street lighting is just a big blob of light.

It is a really expensive telephone. I had hoped for more.

I have factory reset the phone. Cleared the cache. Reset the camera app but pictures are not sharp in any setting.

Is it a problem with the phone or is this what it is? 
Samsung Members Star ★

It is not bad. Issues you describe are down to user error. Cameras can't break the rules of physics. If moving objects are blurred, you have too low a shutter speed and inadequate light.

Thank you for your comments. However, pictures are blurred in broad daylight. I use the photo option. I know pro mode but why so complicated
Samsung Members Star ★

Try to get a shutter speed of at least 1/60 of a second or higher for all photos as this reduces camera shake. Moving objects unless panning need a higher shutter speed. You will need a faster ISO but this can add to graininess more prevalent from 400 up.

Thanks for your comments.
Will definitely try that.

That's nice and all but all these people you're trying to tell to use pro mode and take the pics shouldn't have to do that. I have taken waaaayyyy better pictures with the phones auto mode with almost every other phone I have had for the last decade. I am extremely disappointed with this camera and I'm sorry I traded in my s10. I had gotten an amazing shot of a lady bug in full sun with her sitting still on a ball with my s10. I could zoom in that sucker and see the tiny dimples in the ball sharply. I tried to take similar pics with this camera and it's garbage. So, these people are not wrong. This camera is awful. Now, it could be a software issue but I've never gotten good pictures out of this thing, using pro or otherwise, and I actually do know what I'm doing. This issue is all over the net so it's definitely a big problem.  We deserve a camera that delivers on it's promises. I got shown up by an iphone  taking the same pic on auto mode the other day, I was not happy. So, please stop being condescending and rude to these people. That would be cool

Samsung Members Star ★
Of course people need to use pro mode when the average light reading is lower than needed. There is nothing capable of doing that automatically regardless of whether it's a phone or DSLR.
If you do a search for IPhone poor photos in Google you will find many posts with similar complaints to the S21.
A basic understanding can bring rewarding results and that's what I tried to help the OP with.
I'm sorry if you thought sharing information I have accumulated over 45 years of photography is condescending but good results can be had and if I can help, I will.

No. I took my pics in white florescent lights at work and it got owned by an iPhone. Explaini it.  I took pics in full sun outside and they weren't as good as the lady bug pic I took with my last camera last summer. Explain. It is set to 3:4 108mp too. I tried it afterward on all the different resolutions too. You were being rude by telling people they can't expect their camera to take good pictures without knowing what they are doing in a real, you must be stupid, kind of way. You can give information to people without your know it all, snobbish attitude.  I've seen you on other posts too. Many, many people have even demonstrated the issue with side by sides on different cameras. Now, you clearly only read what you wanted to read. You can only learn so much in 45 years anyway. If I need 45 years of experience to get a great pic in great lighting out of a top of the line phone camera, it's not my fault. . Now,  idk about the iPhone, but the demo I got from my coworker suggests it's not an issue, at least with hers. Have a great day.

I agree that with Pugs. I really feel the camera does not live up to expectations.

There are indeed a lot of people complaining about the camera. I also have a colleague that has an IPhone 13 pro. It takes way better pictures than my phone. Samsung is doing nothing about it. No update on the camera for a long time. It is a very expensive phone. I have always had a Samsung phone but I think this will be my last.
First Poster

There are some issues that I am facing while using the front camera in my camping tour of park it was really disturbing on that time as I have click some images of tent heater.