02-02-2023 09:03 AM
02-02-2023 01:28 PM
02-02-2023 01:28 PM
yeah - very confusing process in terms of payment methods... you can only pay in one payment if you try to get it with a student discount
02-02-2023 03:04 PM
India market...
02-02-2023 04:52 PM
That’s what annoys me, These mega companies just assume us Europeans are made of money. I wanted to upgrade but I’m not going to now. Rather have a watch or buds than more storage that I’ve never get near the original 128gb
02-02-2023 09:26 PM
Im happy with the £100 discount off the red 1TB version and as usual we get the phones first And it works out so much cheaper buying it direct from Samsung even with 0% apr finance compared to a contract with o2/voda/EE who are pricing at least £60 for 3 years. Roll on 13th
07-02-2023 10:10 PM
11-02-2023 04:27 PM