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Exynos 2200 vs Snapdragon 8 GEN 1 - A shocking result

(Topic created on: 17-02-2022 12:39 PM)
Black Belt 
A number of things have given me doubts about this new Exynos 2200 chipset, not the least of which was Samsung cancelling its launch a month ago and making it the minority variant, mainly for Europe whilst giving its home country of South Korea, the Snapdragon variant after using Exynos for their S21's.
In spite of this, I went ahead and pre-ordered the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 1TB model last week as I normally would.
However, I have continued to have misgivings about the Exynos model and yesterday I cancelled my pre-order in the light of this and other reports and will play the wait and see game before buying.
If it turns out that the Exynos model is equal to the Snapdragon or at least, darn close, I may get it. Alternatively, I can either opt for a grey market Snapdragon model that is suitable for use in the U.K. or wait until the Samsung Fold 4 comes out.
(In Turkish but you will get the idea)

My device... Galaxy Z Fold5 5G 12/512GB (G946B D/S) CSC EUX. Android 14. One UI 6.1
I have done the same cancelled my UK order for S22 Ultra and keeping my S21 Ultra.

The S21 Ultra had no issues and am loving it... Just want the newer / supposedly better phone.

If it is only optimisation of software will buy the S22 Ultra in the next few months.
Samsung Members Star ★★

That's the wonderful thing about choice @ironass in whether to go ahead or not.

I personally don't get caught up in these YouTube creators videos and tech sites as there not always using the phone as a normal consumer would.

I've read and viewed both good and poor reports  / videos and articles about the Exynos and SnapDragon SoC.

We tend to see the same videos about every new model being released.

Seems to be a given. 🙄

If i had listened to half the articles about the Fold³ i would not have invested in one and lost out on using a good device.

I've imported before from Hong Kong to get a Samsung Note²⁰ Ultra SnapDragon SoC and to be honest the difference was minimal but the battery lasted around 45 minutes longer.

I also bought the same phone from Samsung UK but sent it back due to network connection issues.

The downside is Samsung Pay may not work, the Samsung Benefits section is blank and Samsung UK won't provide support or service under the 2 year manufacturers warranty.

Samsung UK give 21 days to try out a phone which is plenty of time to be able to make an informed decision.

The other consideration is that for the amount of people saying there getting a bad experience,  others say it's all good for them so how can one make a more informed choice.

It's certainly a subjective topic. 


Daily Driver > Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512Gb ~ Titanium Black.

The advice I offer is my own and does not represent Samsung’s position.
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Samsung Members Star ★★

You may be able to see more detail in this article  Whist may be disappointing would not be over reliant on this and experience may well be different in real life usage.  Previously I had seen  a few reports where the Exynos  was viewed as at least matching up well against the Snapdragon.  one here, though was based on leaked Data. 


However there is no harm on waiting a bit and some some Members may like more information before reaching a decision.


I do not work for Samsung or make Samsung Products but provide independent advice and valuable contributions.

We had all this when the s21 was released............after doing my own research I decided to buy the s21 ultra (exynos),so glad I did as it's been a dream to use 😍.
On a side "note" I won't be bothering with the s22 ultra for the simple fact that it's a note phone.
I'm not a fan of the note design (squared edges) and have no use for the s pen.
Personally I think the s21 ultra is a much more visually appealing phone than the s22 ultra.
I am however keeping my eye on the s22 base model,my concern is the battery life on it but again I will do some research and decide from there.
Samsung Members Star ★
In the UK we always had the Exynos model and I never had any issues using them so can't be arsed about snapdragon even if it's better or whatever .

For my case scenario I got good phones for what I paid for and I'm happy.

Having said that I maybe skipping the S22 Ultra as I still haven't used my S21 ultra after one year properly enough to justify another purchase.

And not to mention the open camera lenses which are a bit scary that they may just crack( until maybe you slap a case for protection).

Also I have already invested in the spen and case for the S21 ultra so am set for a while. ☺️
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Samsung Members Star ★★

Not had a problem with Exynos either but have not had the S21 Ultra that long anyway,  think the 2021 model is more visually appealing really but that is not the main  factor for me.  I held off on the S pen for a little while (was not sure I needed it)   but in the end decided to get the S Pen Pro and am happy with  that and more importantly my device generally.

I do not work for Samsung or make Samsung Products but provide independent advice and valuable contributions.

Samsung Members Star ★

Like many others here... I seem to remember exactly the same controversial and conflicting reviews early on with the S21U a year ago.   We suffered battery issues, overheating problems and general camera instability, as well as a number of software bugs.   However after a few months of updates this phone changed very quickly into the great device the S21U is today. Month on month incremental improvements and now in my opinion the S21U is one of the greatest.  

I have no intention on upgrading at this stage to an S22U... mainly because i am very happy with my S21U still, but equally because I do not fancy to suffer the same 'stormy period' for the next few months with the S22U. 

A message to all you pre-orderers... brace yourself for a few issues ...  and just be patient that any issues that are discovered during the first few weeks (and there will be some !) ... will be resolved in quick order with a few bug fixes.    To have the latest and greatest phone brand new off the production line has a detrimental effect... you are effectively being a hardware beta tester in the public domain :smiling-face:


Smiley 😀 

User: Smiley
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Samsung Members Star ★★

I think I do fall into the category of an early adopter @smiley 

Even the SnapDragon Samsung Note 20 Ultra I imported improved with updates.

The Exynos Samsung Note 20 Ultra performed well and was only sent back due to connection issues so after listening to articles and YouTube opinions I imported the SnapDragon version. It was night and day in regards to battery as the SnapDragon version did last longer, but that was i about it for me.

Both generally performed well in regards to how they operated with my usage habits.

Daily Driver > Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512Gb ~ Titanium Black.

The advice I offer is my own and does not represent Samsung’s position.
I'm here to help. " This is the way. "

Samsung Members Star ★

@BandOfBrothers I certainly enjoy the latest tech... but it sometimes it does come with a small price to pay.

In a previous job many years ago I used to work as an R&D engineer for Nokia Mobile phones (when they were still top dog in the industry).   Many of the employees used to get involved with what was called 'True testing'... effectively this was Beta testing of the unreleased / secretive handsets and reporting back bugs on our system.  Some of them we had to use in a blacked out phone case... so as not to leak any pre-release photos / information.   

We would give out hundreds of phones temporarily to employees for testing ... but the real test was always when release day had arrived ... only a certain quantity of issues can be picked up by the testing a few hundred phones...  it is when they come to market in their millions when the less common bug / issues would be identified and then fixed in future releases. 

Smiley :smiling-face:

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