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Multi-language keyboard

Samsung Content Creator



Samsung_Hack_Keyboard.pngPlease Note: Availability of this hack may be affected by your device model or OS


Whether you're starting to learn a second language or you're an esteemed polyglot with wizard-level linguistic prowess, there are many reasons why you should enable an extra keyboard on your device.


For one, you'll get the benefit of spell check and auto correction. Think about how many times these have saved you from mistakes in the past... now imagine how helpful they'll be for words you're still learning how to spell!


Activating the keyboard for your target language will also give you easy access to special characters and accent marks. They'll either appear as their own tiles or they'll show themselves when you hover over existing letters. It's important to get these right, because missing accents and characters can often change the pronunciation or even the entire meaning of a word.


Lastly, your default keyboard's intuitive functionalities enable it to 'learn' new words. So if you repeatedly type words from other languages on your native keyboard, over time its performance and predictive features may be affected.


Switching between languages is easy. You can also install corresponding dictionaries to quickly check translations or definitions while you're composing your messages.


Here's what you need to do: 

  1. With the device unlocked, swipe down from the top of the screen to reveal the Quick Settings panel.
  2. Tap the Settings icon. It's the cog-like symbol on the right-hand side near the date and time.
  3. Now find General management and then Language and input.
  4. Under Keyboards, select On-screen keyboard and then Samsung Keyboard.
  5. Here you will see the languages already selected for your device (it could just be one). To add more, just tap Languages and types and then Manage input languages.
  6. Find your desired language and slide the toggle to activate.
  7. Launch an app where you want to use the language.
  8. With the keyboard displayed, simply swipe across the space bar to switch between languages. 
  9. To attach a dictionary, make sure you're using the correct keyboard. Write, highlight and tap a word and select Dictionary and follow the steps. 



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I actually always use two languages on my Smartphone (Dutch and english). I love how easy its to switch ^-^ :smiling-face:


I have been using both Samsung and SwiftKey and I am torn between the two... 

It seems the sweeping on Samsung works much smoother. But SwiftKey recognises the language so you don't need to switch all the time (I regularly use 3). Also I like that you can configure the numeric keyboard into a keypad. It would be nice if Samsung would "borrow" these features. 🙂

Helping Hand

I like the easy language switch too but it's still not a hack.

I am a native English speaker but have friends from Hong Kong who use Chinese pinyin on their phones, so I also have it on mine, I'm not very good at Chinese but I mainly use it for greetings and showing gratitude. 

First Poster

Recently I have purchased Samsung Galaxy M21 (6GB+128GB) through Amazon Shopping. Ihave given settings for multi lingual key board as per the instructions given in the procedure. But when I am swiping key board space bar while using whats app / messages, to get a key board Telugu-English ( typing telugu language in enf=glish script and the echo will be the telugu), I am getting the key board with Telugu letters. same case with If i choose Hindi as another language. But i am having already another samsung galaxy on nxt, in which i am getting key board while swiping for another language, I can type english letters for telugu script and the echo is telugu only. This is not with the newly purchased Samesung Galaxy M21. Please look into the matter and resolve the problem.

First Poster

I usually use two languages English and Persian but sometimes I have to use a third language that's French but still, i found it easy with the Samsung keyboard. :smiling-face:

Anonymous User
Not applicable

I wondering if I can add more languages than 4 languages, now I use Eng, Lao, thai and vietnamese but now I m starting leran new language (Korean), I have to disenable Vietnamese for sometime switch to Korean. It was great if I can input couple more languages , thank you 


Fantastic, thanks so much. 🤗


Hello, can i have an answer for my post about the conditional theme for chinese keyboard ?

it s very hard to use because En keybord and pinyin keyboard look the same.. if i can configure different theme, it will easily "feel" the active langage before to type and stop to lose time....

thanks in advance for your answer

First Poster

Hi, thank you for this. I had it previously but for some reason it has become completely blank now and it does not say English nor Greek. Any advice? 

First Poster

This is really annoying, so I need to manually switch keyboards every time I switch between chats? Really? No detection? Please fix this because I'm considering going back to my old phone just because of this issue. Or is there a way to merge 2 dictionaries?


My persian keyboard changed to this picture i could not find any help over other discussions. I am using galaxy a50. If anybody could help me would be great


First Poster

I do have a similar problem of @Members_uhkLtnL and trying to resolve it with online research. If anything is found I will share it here.

First Poster
Please do you have Twi keyboard?
First Poster

Is there any way to have Samsung keyboard switch automatically between 2 languages? I have been using Gboard for this reason since my first Samsung Phone and it's much better for bilingual users.

I thought I would give Samsung keyboard another try and try the AI functionalities. After all these years they should have sorted it out but I can't see a way to have it recognize the language you are using as Gnoard does. 


Manually switching doesn't work for me, I don't think it would work for anyone actually multilingual and uses more than one language daily. By the time I realize I am on the wrong keyboard I already sent a gibberish message with all the autocorrects wrong.