Who's silly idea was it to remove the helpful upload and download arrows from us all. Please put them back on and to leave them there forever too. Which when i used to download pictures from google images i used to see download arrows and then for my phone to vibrate for a second as of to let me know that it had downloaded it for me which now it doesn't and i have to go to my folders as of to see if it has done it for me too and also it used to say file downloaded at the top of my screen which my other smartphones do that but my samsung galaxy a16 5g doesn't. Why. Thank You. 💖
(Update) I think i have fixed it by turning on my notification settings on all google apps which now it is doing it for me but i have noticed that it doesn't do it on every picture especially ones that doesn't or won't download too. Let's Hope It Stays Like It For Forever. As It Is Very Useful Feature Too. Thank You For Your Help. Be Good Always.