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S21 issue

(Topic created on: 07-01-2023 08:55 PM)
Anonymous User
Not applicable
1 have the s21 exynos version and honestly im pretty upset with my purchase,
Im apart of that catergory that love Oneu] but theres been so mnany nit picks and issues that r
making me begin to regret my decision, the signal on this is horrible and getting bars and the
speed of the bars it says i have like 3 or sorething and it takes 10+ seconds to open a website, and
also relativly new issue when i try verity my phone number it takes ages even to get to the screen
where u put in the code i switch to 4g and it works after 5 secs but faster than my 300 Mbps Wifi, i
have a app downloaded called OPENSIGNAL and it doesnt even tell me my SSID and when i run the
test it says "Last test unsu csēssful, check internet connection", WiFi speed at hore i have 300Mbps
and i am getting a wopping 60-70 with 14+ latency backing up whatapp chats for example (inculde
videos off) it takes ages only like 50 MB but still takes way longer than it should changing to 4g it
finishes in about 30 secs trying to find the whatsapp backups takes way longer than it should on wifi but on 4g it just works and i have had a samsung before i had the same issue but before thati
had a xiamoi poco f3 that was amazing phone had none of the issues im having now buti couldnt
get oneui so i wanted to try a samsung then theres battery life apps i use on different brands dont
use anywthere near the same amount bearly lasts me a full day even when im barely using it i do
have auto sync off and have followed countless optimization videos and i dant have 5g.
Done countess resets this includs clearing the cashe multiple times.
Is this because of the exynos chipset? the poco f3 was snapdragon that didnt have a issue but my
last samsung was exynos and thats having the same issue.
Update did a fresh reset and cleared cashe 3 times still only getting 74 Mbps download speed (this
is with 5g) and taking forever to load apps and stuff bc ot the singal and or wifi speed.
Help please

Big Cheese
It all depends on your expectations.

I have had a S7 edge, a S10 and now a S21. All phones have worked with no issues and no big expectations as how they should work.
Anonymous User
Not applicable
It was working fine but now its not 😭 even loading samsung members take forever to long im just stuck on the white screen for ever until I switch to 4g then it's 🫰
Big Cheese
Have you cleared the cache?? Then reboot.
My s21 has no issues and everything is working ok. Screenshot_20230107_212847_Geekbench 5.jpg
Samsung Members Star ★★

Hi @Anonymous User 

Sometimes splitting the frequencies in the Home Broadband Router to 2.4ghz and 5ghz and then forget the network in the phone.

Then reset up connection to 2.4 and then 5ghz in the phone to see if that makes a difference may help.

Also choosing another Wi-Fi channel in the Router settings can help.

Is Mobile Data connection OK where you reside and commute / work ?

I had issues with a previous phone and after resetting the network connection in Settings,  General Management and Reset I realised it was the network so now I use two different network sim cards in my phone so I'm able to switch connection types in my Sim Manager preference Settings.

I wish you all the best. 

Daily Driver > Samsung Galaxy s²⁴ Ultra 512Gb ~ Titanium Black.

The advice I offer is my own and does not represent Samsung’s position.
I'm here to help. " This is the way. "

Anonymous User
Not applicable
It registers my fast Internet for a second when I connect but then it goes down to below 100 and everything on the phone takes hours but 4g is fine
Anonymous User
Not applicable
Yes I have cleared the cache multiple times.
Anonymous User
Not applicable
But it was working fine be4 and I didn't change anything now it's slow
I have same issues....signal is terrible on these phones and I'm on my 3rd replacement s21