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My 2 cents

(Topic created on: 07-11-2019 02:45 PM)
Helping Hand

so here are my 2 cents about the Beta program this year


a) why is it called One UI 2 - it feels more like One UI 1.5 or 1.75 - most changes are minor and honestly you couldnt tell you are on one ui 2 or one ui 1 if you didnt dig deep

b) same samsung apps still missing dark theme

c) is it just me or did the dark theme went from total dark to a more greys gradient - i noticed that especially after the new beta update 

d) again - is it just me (you will hear this a lot :)) - but feels like the colours are more washed/faded in the beta - i have the same settings of the display - eg vivid with all 3 spectrums on high - but i feel the colours look washed - only when i turn Nextflix or Youtube on - and the brightness gets changed - the colour pop out - 

i have noticed this to be an issue especially in the photo gallery (the samsung one) - where all pictures look like they've been washed up to look almost greyish

e) the battery life is much worse than Android 9 (i know this is a beta and things arent fully settled) but i find it very poor - also i think the battery graph is still showing the info wrong and is not intuitive at all 

f) i wishe we had a new icon package for this iteration - i feel the current ones are still not great

g) not all android 10 features seem to have been implemented - the predictive smart reply doesnt work in all (any non samsung) apps 

h) gesture navigation - good but room for improvement - the accidental swipe or the issues when an app has a slide menu (like google play)

i) notification text on screenlock is not adaptative - i have the dynamic wallpaper and when it chages to a bright one the text is still white meaning you cant really read them/same for dark scenario

j) when you plug the phone to charge and it does that tiny little anymation - cant this be done over the lockscreen? currently is a black screen that means you have to wait for it to finish and then tap or wake the phone - to see any notifications etc

k) silent notifications - any way to get them away - and access them easily only if need it?


im sure theres others i cant think of - so will update this once they come to my mind - or others feel free to add yours 

Beta Moderator
Beta Moderator

Hi @London2tim 


Thanks for sharing your opinion about the One UI 2!

It is really helpful to know how users feel about it :thumbs-up-sign-emoji-modifier-fitzpatrick-type: