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Add a parameter to control sharpening in photo app

(Sujet créé le : 13-05-2021 04:42 PM)
1426 Visites
First Poster


Although I appreciate the S21 Ultra camera, I find the default picture processing way too aggressive on sharpening. Leading to loss of details and an oil painting effect that I am sure not everybody like.

I find GCAM results to be often more true to life and especially on the zoomed pictures.

I would love Samsung to give us a little setting in the parameters to tune it down.

As an example here is a picture comparing Stock to GCAM processing.

I think adding this parameter would be pretty cheap for Samsung and I am convinced that a lot of their customers would be very happy to get a little control on that sharpening effect that is easy to add afterward editing the image but cannot be reversed.

In the same spirit Samsung already added a parameter to stop the crazy skin smoothing for selfies.

I created a feature request:


Go and vote for it if you feel users deserve some control over sharpening in the photo app

1 Répondre

Hello and welcome to our Community @meroupow !

Thank you for sharing your suggestions and your ideas with us 😊.

We are here on the French forum, so it would be nice if you woulds translate your message in French so that every user can understand your ideas.

Thank you in advance for your understanding.

Have a nice day 🌞

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