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Blue flashing lights on wireless speakers never connect

(Topic created on: 21-06-2020 10:32 PM)
First Poster

i have a hw k950 sound bar and wireless speakers and sub never connect, i have tryed auto connect and manual several times, but never connect just blue flashing lights on speaker all the time. Sub is less than 1mtr from bar and rears are only 5mtr across a open room. Could see any responses in previous posts for same thing, not even a response from samsung which sums up my experience always had samsung everything, but never any customer care responses, now my ue65js9000 tv  has packed up so bought sony, set up was easy and control better with sony tv and samsung sound bar all auto setup no issue for sound bar only but no surround speakers, total waste of money has never worked well but has worked in the past

TC Firedog
First Poster

I have an older HW-K950 and had the same problem ever since we moved 3 years ago. Whenever the speakers were plugged in, they flashed the blue light but would not connect. Last night I tried something different, and it seems to have worked. 

I did a hard reset on the soundbar by holding both (+ and -) switches on the end of the soundbar in the up position for 10 seconds.

*I did a fresh install of the Samsung Multiroom app from Google Play on my phone. Part of the install requires registering the soundbar to your internet account.

I turned off the soundbar and tried the (remote) volume up procedure for about 100 seconds, no results so I tried the same switch in the down position while I was doing that, I think I saw the letters SHOPH, while the soundbar was still off I tried the sub button down and up a few times. After all of that I got up and checked the back of the subwoofer and the red light was on, I checked the two rear Chanell speakers, and the red lights were on there too. I turned the soundbar back on and I had steady blue lights on all three wireless speakers. This morning, I played sound through the D-IN from an older Sharp TV with no HDMI out. I can't definitively say what fixed it, but it is working correctly now. 

I wish I had been more orderly in my attempts to fix this and make it easier to replicate but it was 3:30 AM and I had no idea any of this stuff would even work. Good luck with yours.

*I already had the Samsung Multiroom App on my phone, so I uninstalled it and put it back on.