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Registrazione delle chiamate su s9

(Argomento creato il giorno: 01-05-2018 07:51 AM)
2253 Visualizzazioni

Ho avuto notizia che Samsung impedirebbe (uso il condizionale perché non sono sicuro) la registrazione delle telefonate su s9/s9+


Riporto quanto si afferma sul sito di NLLAPPS,  autore di ACR, rinomato software per la registrazione delle chiamate:


Samsung Android 8 update
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Call recording issues

Call recording does not work on the international version of S9 and S9+ with EXYNOS chip-set. American versions with QUALCOMM chip-set seems to be working better and only having intermittent issues. 

International version of S8/S8+ only have intermittent issues with incoming calls only. American version of S8/S8+ seems to have issues both incoming and outgoing calls. Setting recording delay to 0 seconds under ACR settings seems to help. 

There are reports from official Samsung support forums indicating that Samsung has decided to stop call recording support on their phones. Indeed, Samsung call centers in different countries such as Russia, Australia and New Zeeland and most of the Europe started to tell customers that Samsung is actively blocking call recording. 

It gets worse. If the responses given to our users by Samsung call centers around the world are correct, Samsung is planning to expand this block to all their phones. 

Their response is as follows: 
“Samsung has blocked call recording through 3rd party applications. Thus this operation is intended behavior. However some 3rd party application developers had found a detour to record each voice during calls and applied it to their apps. Those applications have been working on previous Samsung devices whereas is blocked on S9/S9+ device due to improved call recording solutions. So we have a plan to apply this solution on old models.”

We would like to point out that 3rd party apps like our ACR are bound by the limitations of the phones and there would be no way to work around this. You will not find any that can record properly on S9 even if you check over 300 call recording apps on the Play Store. 

The only thing we may be able to do is try to convince Samsung that call recording laws are different in each country and a complete blockage is not fair. You could call your local Samsung support center and explain to them how you feel about this issue. 

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possessore di un tel. Samsung S20 Ultra 5g, UN GALAXI S8+ (a me instestato ma in uso a mia moglie) ed un galaxy Watch
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