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Custom workout routine for galaxy watch

(Topic created on: 23-09-2022 06:57 PM)
First Poster

I know that galaxy watch has variety of workouts in Health app to choose from.

But they missed the most important part to let us create our own workouts and combine them in our personal routine (I do hope that it is not deliberate to force us buying third party apps)

I mean unless it's some continuous activity like running or cycling, what is the purpose of short workouts, if you can't combine them to your personal routines? It's not like I can do, e.g., 10 minutes push-ups or sit-ups so my watch can calculate my burnt calories or etc.!

Did I miss something or is there anything with the app that I am not aware of? 

#Galaxy Watch 3

#Samsung Health

First Poster

I just bought the galaxy watch 4 this week and was thinking about this exact problem!


Absolutely 👏👏.. I am waiting for Galaxy watch 5 pro, my first Galaxy watch, I am very much into weight training and I have my specific weights /reps and sets.. Unless I pay further and use a 3rd party app, I don't think even watch 5 has that very simple facility

Samsung.. Please consider, customer designing his/her workout using the health app and synchronise it with the watch, then  practically one go to the gym with just the watch, returning home, can synchronise back to health app, even a grade one child with basic coding can do it 

First Poster

I am frankly disappointed that this feature is still missing. Everyone knows that workout routine are always personal. Even if you begin with a routine on the Samsung health app, eventually, you will prefer to make changes to fit your preference and schedule. They should introduce this and update all devices.

Hi guys, I started openly criticising Samsung Health app, on their twitter feed etc, and started requesting this very thing via emails etc

Please do the same, the more people shout about it.. It's good

However, it is my feeling most people who use Galaxy watches are not into real health and fitness (unfortunately) compared to Garmin etc, they are only after simple notifications and other smart things.. So Samsung is not too bothered
First Poster

I'd pay to have this garmin-like feature, what should I use?

Wow wow wow 👏👏👏👏

From the day one I made my stupid decision to buy Galaxy watch 5 pro, I am making the same noise all the time

This watch has all necessary hardware to be really good companion for health and fitness activities, but but but... The Samsung health app and watch app are 17th century...

Health and fitness activities are very unique from one individual to a another, so being able to create our own workouts and send to the watch should be a MUST MUST MUST

Just to share with you, none of the strength training activities can add Weight... For example if you do Deadlifts, Samsung watch rewards you for the "time" you were standing up on the gym floor rather than the "Weight" you lifted, so nobody can keep a record of Personal best or 1 Rep Max

In relation to 3rd party backup... Absolutely none none, none of the high quality Pro 3rd parties support galaxy watch.. That's really sad too

Recently Samsung created Health Connect and begging begging begging for health and fitness 3rd parties to connect with Samsung health app but nooobody is paying attention as they are more interested in working with Apple watch.. As 70% of smart watch customers are with Apple.. Only stupid idio*'* ts like MYSELF left apple

I'm bought my Galaxy Watch5 thinking it would have some basic features like, heart rate during exercise, custom running programs,  my mistake.

Really, my first and last samsung device.

First Poster

I absolutely agree with the comments here. I have the Galaxy Watch 5 Pro and, frankly, it just sits on its charger nowadays because my Garmin Epix 2 Pro has completely overtaken it. My workouts are very much bespoke. I use a mix of HIIT training, strength training, a full body routine with specific weight, rest times, etc. My Samsung watch, with all of its technology and features, is no rival to my Garmin, and that's unfortunate because, otherwise, I'm a Samsung guy.