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Dark spots across screen

(Topic created on: 27-10-2022 02:30 AM)
TV truth
First Poster

I have what I consider a new UN55NU6950 TV, a few years ago the screen had dead places in it and so that was out of the box Samsung sent a repairman out to replace it under warranty. I was at that time told to watch it closely as they have issues with these screens. I later found this to be true and had to call in a few months after getting the screen replaced for more issues.

After some time went by, I called in recently to check on what can be done about more dark places showing up in the screen. 
Support informed me that all Samsung TV screens are only rated for 7-8 hours a day or 15,000 hours before they need to be replaced.

My new screen lasted far less at a year on screen time from the time replaced as 7-8 hours a day is a stretch to use a tv for how it’s used. Mine is used 1-2 hours a day at most.

Support informed me Samsung will not stand behind the screen and it would cost 600$ for a new screen to be installed. I only paid 299$ for the whole tv. 

Anybody else have poor support and experience with Samsung and have a solution?  
