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Black screen with sound with Virgin V6 box

(Topic created on: 09-07-2020 10:57 AM)

Hi all,


I decided to upgrade my old Samsung smart TV and purchased a UE43RU7400UXXU, nice upgrade, I have Virgin and a TiVO V6 box, I had no issues with my old TV and everything was fine with my new TV until about 3/4 weeks ago, when switching on there was Sound and all the Virgin Menu's were on screen but the screen was blank not showing the picture, after powering down and reset numerous times, changed the HDMI leads and different ports on TV, Changed Video settings down to 1080 pass through, even tried changing the Ethernet cable(To say i did it if needing to talk Virgin), checked the Virgin forum and loads were saying they had issues with this after Firmware updates on TV's, reset the TV and Hey Presto all good again, Sorry but this was not the end of it, this morning, 2 days after doing that it happened again, so initially i disconnected the V6 and waited but this did not cure it, so unplugged the TV for a few minutes and everything was OK, Finally had a Picture to go with the sound, can anyone shed any light on this or if anybody from Samsung is reading these posts help out, my latest Software update is 1356 and there a no further updates to install.


Hi @Leon68 


That's very strange! We've checked the software version of your TV and it does have the latest version. It does seem strange that you're getting the Vigin menu on screen but no picture, which obviously means that there is a connection to your Virgin box. Have you spoken directly to Virgin regarding this? Do you have anything else connected to the TV, such as a Blu-ray player, and if so, is that displaying correctly?


Hi @ChrisM,


Thanks for the reply, yes i have a Firestick that works, this is the strange part, as I said the last time it happened I reset the V6 box completely, all coms leads and power, this did not resolve the problem, it was when i unplugged the TV for a while, when plugged back in and powered up all was fine.

Trust me, I've been in the ring a few times with Virgin/Ntl over the years and always check everything before ringing up, I can understand if there is a coms issue between the two units but if the V6 was at fault the fault should have cleared when powering the V6 box back up.



First Poster

This also happens with my 75 inch 4k too. Every day I have to unplug all hdmi leads, turn tv on then put back in the hdmi leads. Most of the time this works. I also have a v6 box, I thought it was my v6 box but the problem also happens with ps4 pro. I've top of the range hdmi leads too. After about 6 weeks of back and forwards with Samsung help team they finally sent someone out. They replaced the motherboard and the problem was working.... for 3 month, then the problem was back. 

I have 2 other samsung TV's and there both fine 


Hi Andy,

Thanks for the reply, seems that there may be an issue with some parts Samsung are using, it's happened a few times since posting and I now go straight to the TV, believe it or not but sometimes when it happens I can turn it off using the remote, wait a few minutes and it comes on. 

Initially I thought it may be a Heatsink issue on one of the boards as it happened after i was using it for a while, shut off for lunch then when turned back on it was in error, but also happens when it's been off for sometime like overnight, dodgy ribbon cable, dry joint, shoddy parts, take your pick. 

It doesent bode well if Samsung repaired your TV and the repair lasted 3 months, like you i have other Samsung TV's that are OK but wanted a 4K and now wish I hadn't bothered.

SAMSUNG, PLEASE SORT OUR TELEVISIONS OUT....................................................

First Poster

Was there any resolution to this as this is happening to me had Virgin out and they say it's the tv 


Hi Joel,

Unfortunately not, i have not been in touch with Virgin as the V6 is OK according to the diagnostics on the "Service Status" page when logging in to your Virgin account. This is a strange issue and i honestly believe that Virgin and Samsung are to blame, there is obvioulsly an issue with the "New" V6 TiVo and Newer Samsung TV's, not sure about other makes, neither party will put their hands up, too many posts on these forums and Virgin forums for it to be localised to one or the other, there must be  configuration issues with the two interfaces.

Funnily enough this had not happened for a while then it happened twice last night, all i do now is turn the TV off with the remote, wait about 2-3 minutes and turn it back on, no resetting, no unplugging, after switching on it will work.

I'm a Maintenance Engineer and work on CNC controlled machinery and this definatly seems to be a corruption between the interfaces and i expect it will go on. Sorry.

First Poster
been having this issue with the Samsung TV for about 18 months now. virgin have said it isn't there problem, its something with the tele.
Hi se0naid, I got to agree with Virgin, I will never buy another Samsung TV, they obviously know there is an issue and done nothing about it.
First Poster

I had the same problem, it turns out you just need to invest in a better hdmi cable. The one I'm now using is 2.0?

That has fixed the issue straight away. Hoping I don't get anymore problems 😌