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TabS (SM-T808) 10.5". Lack of Memory.

(Topic created on: 01-05-2022 04:00 PM)
First Poster

My Smart Manager shows 90% internal memory used with 1.5 Gb free =14.5/16Gb

I have a memory card with 4.4 / 29.8 Gb used.

I clear most of my emails daily have 14 opened in Inbox, 2 in the saved folder,  4 in Sent, Zero in Trash & Junk.

I am running with the bare minimum  of software icons on the screen, in fact there is space for another. The bloatware like Knox, kids stuff NY times , Evernote  etc is either disabled or deleted where possible or reduced to factory settings.

Any attachments/Downloads are either deleted or saved to   the memory card.

I carry out a Norton Sweep to remove cookies and other rubbish daily plus activate my Smart Manager.


Can I create anymore memory space on the tablet as sometimes I  get halfway through an email which tend to be more than one liners  and the tablet freezes up due to lack of working memory, then I loose it and have to start again.

I only use the tablet for emails andsurfing the internet, few photos which are transferred to the memory card into the appropriate folder.

Any real computing I use my HP desktop. 



1 Solution

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Lol. I have background in agriculture and heavy construction. My dad is a physics engineer.  Slide rule is among my many lost skills like playing guitar. Used to be able to read sheet music, was in band. Can't play a thing now. 

 Anyway started out using the Commodore Vic 20. The 64's lil brother. Later we had an 8088 (286 predecessor?) I was pretty computer savvy then.  Then I didn't really use computers much for 20 years. But when I got my 1st Smartphone, it just felt right. I've gotten back into computers since,  but the Smartphone and tablets just make sense to me.  I don't know why.

Anyway back to the issue. I looked up your device to be sure. You are just another victim of "planned obsolescence." Your device is 8 years old. Samsung only meant for you to use it for 2. That's why you only get 2 or 3 major OS upgrades. Also, the memory and chip you have were probably great on the 1st two upgrades. But by the last update, the OS needs more memory than you did when you bought it.  And needs more power. I'm surprised your battery still works if you've been using the tablet the whole time. 

The "Samsung cure" would be to buy brand new one. Not everyone wants to spend the money.  I'm using the s9 phone and have no plans to upgrade.  I mean, I'd love a brand new tab and phone every year. But I prefer things like eating and being able to drive and those cost money too.

In another year or 2,maybe a little longer, google services will no longer support your OS and your tablet will be a brick.  I know they stopped supporting OS 4.1.2 and that was from 2012? Your device is a couple years newer. So a couple years more.  

You can look up planned obsolescence on the net. You probably heard of it. If you sell the perfect car,  phone, computer, LIGHT BULB (this planned obsolescence started there), then customers would only buy 1. Bad business model i guess. So products like raylon pantyhose were tested and tinkered with until they break easier, but not too easy.

Sorry for the history lesson. Personally I'd start window shopping now so you have an affordable alternative that will meet your needs when your tablet finally gives up. Definitely recommend minimum of 16G internal ( 32 is better.) You'll need it for newer OS. My Tab E (2015?) Used almost 8G on OS alone. Higher the RAM the better. Always. But more always costs more. But at least 4G nowadays. And that's low end.

My mom broke her Tab 4 (antique almost) screen a few months ago. I bought her a new  tab A, not sure the number,  on Amazon for  $129. And was sold from Samsung, not a 3rd party seller. It's not the top of the line flagship model, but going from android 4.4.1. to Android 11 blew her mind. She loves it. It has basically replaced her laptop, as most newer tabs have apps for almost everything a PC can do.

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Black Belt 
The volatile memory (3GB) used to load apps into is separate from the non volatile memory storage space for apps, so removing them to free some of the 16GB will not help at all. All you need to do is close any other open apps if Android is not doing that automatically like it should. Be very careful about downloading memory managers as a lot of them are malware. CCleaner for Android or Google Files are good. Samsung device care in the system settings can clear the cache to free up some RAM too.
Black Belt 
Running Norton Sweep daily will actually do more harm than good since all it will result in is the apps taking longer to open again and consuming CPU cycles and battery. If you have to resort to one of these programs then once a week should suffice. Just don't expect your tablet to be able to load 16GB of programs at any given time because the actual RAM is 3GB

Open developer options and find background processes  and limit to zero background processes.  It prevents syncing while using apps but it will free up as much memory as possible. 

First Poster

What is the route to developer options, I have checked all the way through settings   and not found anything of that name. 

I am not an IT type so not familiar with all the behind the scenes stuff thats going on to make it work.

First Poster

Thank you Antikythera, I will reduce my Norton sweep  though it doesn't seem to make much difference in speed of software coming up, thats pretty instant. I haven't downloaded any software for years  and the memory manager I think I got off a previous Samsung site.

Perhaps  if I save my email when writing it more often I may not have the problems.

What is annoying are all the templates in Hancome Office that seem to be repeated, none of which I use, such as loan calculators ( never had a loan in my life),  memos, fax headers, marriage planning (been married for 40 years  and I did all that on the back of an envelope). 

Thanks for  your input and advice.   

Black Belt 
What is Hancome Office? If you don't really need most of it's features could you use Google Docs instead and get rid of that too? I'd steer clear of messing with developer options.
Black Belt 
It's hidden by default and you have to tap on an entry in system information 7 times to enable the developer menu. So best not mess even under guidance from another user on here if you don't know how to recover the tablet if it goes haywire after doing so
First Poster

Hancom Office is very similar to MS Office, I use the Word  & Excel from it, its compatible with MS Office, though I kicked  the Powerpoint equivalent into touch as I have no use for it. But will stick with Word and Excel, which seems better than what was on my wifes  early Tab  S and her present  Tab 2S 


As long as I close my windows and save frequently I may be OK.

Thanks for your suggestions.



I will aggree about Developer Options  , that would be a bridge too far and could end in Horlicksing the whole tablet.


Yes  my apologies.  I forget people don't obsessively try to figure out every little detail on their phone like I do. Best to leave it alone if your not familiar. Even if you are familiar with it, most things shouldn't be changed, unless you are an actual app developer. 

Personally, I use my devices more like mini computers than phones, so I do make some changes, mostly to make small speed increases and to save battery life. Even then, I will research a switch before I change it. Just cuz some1 said it on the internet don't make it true. So verify with multiple sources. 

So my apologies.  I should have just kept my mouth shut.