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James Webb Space Telescope Image

(Topic created on: 28-04-2023 01:14 PM)
Samsung Members Star ★
I know it's not a Samsung thing.
But I follow space and science technology as well as technology here.

Just thought it would be interesting to share something I think is fascinating. 

Recently the James Webb Space Telescope has been sending incredible images back to earth.
But this one kind of struck me. Similar as the Hubble Space Telescope sent back many years ago. 

This one looks further into the cosmos though. 


This is just part of a bigger imagine.
So represents a very tiny spot in the sky. 
Every point of light is a Galaxy. The more red in colour, the farther away it is.

In the full image. The farthest Galaxies that can be detected will be in the region of 13 Billion Light Years away

The Universe is on an unimaginable scale. 

To put into some sort of scale. 
Our Galaxy, the Milky Way is approximately 100,000 light years across. So even if you could travel at 670,616,629 mph, the speed of light. So will still take you 100,000 years to get to the other side of the Galaxy.

The link below is to the full image. 

The Webb Space Telescope home page
Big Cheese
The James Webb telescope has shown astronomers that all that they believe about the universe is based on very rocky foundations hasn't it @Glenntech?. The farthest visible galaxies should be of small developing size according to modern scientific beliefs, but to be able to now view to the edge of space and time and see giant complex galaxies similar to or even larger than ours has turned astronomy and science on it's head. The universe does not conform to our ideals and beliefs after all. Science is flawed, and those of a religious ilk may draw strength from this I guess?.
I have personally viewed galaxies (only as small faint fuzzy patches of 'mist') some 450 million light years distant in my old 4.5 inch reflecting telescope under very dark skies and it filled me with awe realizing fully that I was seeing that galaxy group as it was 450 million years ago and not as they are 'today' when I viewed them. Galaxies are incredible islands of stars with orbiting worlds and planets to a number that is all but immeasurable. Life has to abound out there, but intelligent life that has evolved past the 'tendency to self destruct' phase will be less common but still exist in huge numbers I believe. Will mankind evolve past this nuclear self destruction and global warming and environmental destruction phase and once again prosper to a bright future?. I am an optimist and believe we will because we have to for the sake of generations to come. This universe is too big and beautiful for planet earth to ever bow sadly out of. 👍
Samsung Members Star ★★

@Glenntech  Yes thanks for sharing  and  space/science technology certainly has a following.  I do find some of it fascinating and take an interest, by no means the most knowledgeable in this field though.

Does not need to be Samsung related in the Lounge area anyway.

I do not work for Samsung or make Samsung Products but provide independent advice and valuable contributions.

Samsung Members Star ★
I take an interest in particle physics. The rules of science just don't really apply.
It's a very strange world going down to sub atomic particles.

When you think that there must be hundreds of millions, if not more galaxies out there.
If 1% of them had life of some sort
There would be a huge amount of life out there.

It is extremely interesting that those galaxies which should still be in the process of forming are way more advanced.
So clearly something about our understanding is not correct.
Could the universe be much bigger and older than we thought and we are not close to seeing the beginnings.
Could be galaxy formation is quicker than mathematics suggest.
Great thing is that it poses more questions to research

Still when I look through my telescope, I'm just fascinated by what I see.