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Community Weekly News - w. 1

(Topic created on: 07-01-2021 04:26 PM)

Nordic Newsletter w. 1

Hello and Happy New Year! Hope you all had a nice time over the holidays and that you feel rested and refreshed for a new year. We are leaving 2020 behind us and hope that 2021 will be a little easier for everyone. 


Community News 👬👫👭

New Community Interface

Head to the Newsroom to check out the latest articles. This week we published a sneak peak of our new community interface 😍

Christmas Challenge

Our Christmas Challenge is closed and we will soon announce the winner, stay tuned and keep an eye out here for our next community contest.


Samsung News 🇳🇴🇸🇪🇩🇰🇫🇮🌍

Unpacked 2021 

As seen on (SE, DK, NO, FI) it is now possible to sign up for the Galaxy Unpacked live stream event. Head over make sure you don't miss it!

The First Look 2021 

You can also have a first look at our new screens for 2021 (SE, DK, NO, FI). Learn how Samsung is delivering value beyond the screen by thinking about sustainable production and consumption.



Tech News 🌍

Trump suspended from Twitter?

President Donald Trump was temporarily suspended from Twitter, and future rule breaking might result in a permanent ban  ☠️


That's all for this week, look after each other 🤝

// ElinH
Samsung Members Star ★

Wow, those micro LED screens look exciting! I would love to get something like that on my wall!