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Is it possible to stop app search on Finder? [Android 11, Galaxy M21]

(Topic created on: 22-03-2021 09:52 AM)
Helge Nicholson


When I need to find something in the 'Settings' section, I use the 'Finder' app. As soon as I start typing it gives me suggestions of apps having the same letter/letters (e. g. if I type 'k',  'Clock' and 'Outlook' appear because these installed apps contain 'k' in their titles). I don't think it had this feature an hour ago. Maybe I switched something on/off. Is it supposed to be this way? ('Settings' is the only app to search in, all the other 'Finder' settings are switched off).

Please help!

Helping Hand
you have updated to Android 11 and have new features etc.

if you search inside the settings app it doesn't show apps only settings. whilst searching on the app drawer naturally finds apps.

the search function in settings or app screens have always been there in your old Android 10 UI2.0 or 2.5 as well, albeit you may not have seen them.

have a Google search for Android 11 new features, or Android 11 one ui 3.0 new features will help you on the way to understand and see all the new stuff

to clarify "S finder" no longer exist on newer software hence the post is confusing me a bit.
Helge Nicholson

Thank you for your reply, I appreciate that. Please be aware that I've been using Windows Phone for almost 6 years, my Android transition is in progress at the moment.

if you search inside the settings app it doesn't show apps only settings. whilst searching on the app drawer naturally finds apps.

There's another search bar we can access at the Home screen (if we fully unfold the Status bar from the top, the Search bar button is right next to the Power button). Is it the same thing we have on the App drawer? (I think it is, it works the same.)

to clarify "S finder" no longer exist on newer software hence the post is confusing me a bit.

If we look at the Search bar there's three dot button on the right, it gives access to 'Finder' settings. I switched off all three toggles there (Show suggested apps, Show search suggestions, Show suggested settings). You can also decide which apps it can search in and show results from. I left just one which is 'Settings'. I thought it would eliminate any app search (I don't use dozens of apps, so I don't really need it), but eventually it didn't. It could be I was just too busy on the keyboard so I missed the initial 'App output' following the first letter being typed in the Search bar.

Helping Hand
that's my mistake, I actually thought you meant the physical app for as reason, my apologies.

no need to apologise for your use or device learning! I learn something new every day!

let me research a little for you and see if I can figure this one out with you!
Helge Nicholson


Any news on the topic? 🙂