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Samsung last known camera setting

(Topic created on: 07-03-2020 03:44 PM)

I am one of those who likes to have my camera mode on my last use setting.  So for example, the power button on my Note10 is set to 2-clicks camera activation and previously, it was configurable under the camera settings from Pie and below.  When I access the camera through the 2-clicks or selected the camera app through the UI, the camera app would know the last known mode I was using.  So for example, if I was using video and I closed and reopened the app again later on, the camera app would know the last known use was video and therefore the video would be made available for me to use.  Same is the story for pro mode, panarama etc.  But since the dawn of Android 10, this feature has either been removed or the setting has been located somewhere else.  Now, if I close and reload the camera app, it reverts back to the camera mode again as opposed to the last known mode which is frustrating because nobody asked Android or Samsung to get rid of that.  Does anyone know if this feature still exists? Because I'm starting to get fed up with the Android OS now, they move features that useful without even alerting or taking feedback from their end-user.  There's others I have come across too but I'll post on a seperate thread.


You're right ! I noticed that it was always resetting now.

But didnt link it with android10...


Please Samsung add this feature back. Tired to switch everytime front cam zoom for example...


Hi guys,


Some S10 users also were missing the feature since the update to Android 10/One UI 2, so we asked our developers about it. From my post from the S10 thread:


So, it appears that with the 'More' section - and the ability to customise* it, and instantly open the camera in that mode by tapping the relevant option - the developers felt that 'Open the Camera app in last used mode' may not be needed. There's no current plans from them to reintroduce the option, but thanks to being made aware it could be useful for some of you guys, they'll reconsider it for the future.


*For those who may want to know, you can customise the Camera Mode menu by:  Camera app > More > pencil icon (edit) > tap and hold relevant Mode icon and drag to the bottom menu space to the position you want it to occupy > Save


@AntS  thanks for your answear, but the problem here is not the last mode. It includes the options that were used in each mode, like beauty filters, zoom or wide for front cam lens, last PRO settings used, and so on.


It used to save those settings, and now it is gone.


Samsung have the bad habit to remove features that used to come with their devices, instead of upgrading their softwares, there is so many examples of it.


They've also done the same with the volume function in conjunction with the way it behaves with a bluetooth connected product.  Previously, before Pie, I could configure the setting so that when I changed the volume on my bluetooth headset, the volume will only change on my bluetooth headset and not the phones so however way I left it on the phone, will remain.  This worked with products which had an active amplifier so any changes in the volume would happen only in the product and not the phone itself.  But now, as they decided to take this away, my Bluetooth headset behaves like a passive amplifier; so any changes in the volume I do on the product, is relative to the changes in the volume of the phone.  The advantage of allowing active bluetooth products from having seperate volume function from the phone is so the volume can be fine tuned to each users experience, and not have it changing in huge increments.  Once again, feels like the developers have failed to listen to its end-users who are by the way the ones paying for the product, and instead, making changes to where they (the Dev) feel needs necessary.  How about the bloatwares that you put on the phone such Secure Wi-Fi and Bixby which we do not want, how comes those aren't being removed?