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Galaxy Note 20 ultra

(Topic created on: 03-12-2022 08:09 AM)
Auto focus on the front camera is constantly blurring any photos taken, have tried resseting camera settings but the problem still please 
Big Cheese
Is this happening on all your camera lenses @seanboyforest or only on your main (x1) lense?.
Only the main camera, the selfie lens is fine
Big Cheese
Yes this is a problem concerning the 108Mp lens that has appeared on this forum before. It has plagued the main lens on my S21 Ultra for some six months or so but I have a workaround that works on my phone which is just as well as I take thousands of pictures and hundreds of videos on the thing. On the quad camera set up on my phone when I start the camera up the main (x1) lens is invariably out of focus, so I jump straight to the x10 lens and wait for that to focus before dropping to the x3 lens and waiting for that to focus, and then drop back to the main (x1) lense which is then always back in sharp focus again. Why this happens is a mystery. Now I know your Note 20 Ultra has a triple lens system so try turning your camera on and going to your x5 lens I believe?, and let this focus before dropping to your x1 lens which should now be in focus hopefully. This is a pain at first I know but for me it is all automatic now and my phone gives me great photo sessions. If you are taking lots of pics don't close the camera app fully between shots. Just use your side button to close your screen or just leave it on till it goes off automatically and double tap it to reawaken your camera or you may have to go through the process again or maybe not if you are lucky. Be aware also that you may have to go through the same process for video but you soon get used to it believe me. This problem should not be happening of course and hopefully a future software update may fix this issue but I doubt it unfortunately. I also empty the camera app cache now before a shoot which seems to help and keep the problem at bay after resetting the main camera lense by dropping down to it at the start of a session. The wide angle lens is no help at resetting the main camera for some reason I must add. I hope my work around helps I really do as I was a little stressed when this problem arose for me. Good luck to you. IF THIS DOESN'T WORK FOR YOU TRY SWITCHING BETWEEN THE SELFIE CAMERA AND MAIN. X1 CAMERA. I HAVE JUST BEEN TESTING THIS NOW AND IT ALSO SEEMS TO CURE THE PROBLEM BUT I NEED TO TEST THIS FURTHER.. 👍 👍