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Samsung A20e screen reader voice assistant

(Topic created on: 18-12-2020 01:40 AM)
First Poster

My 85-year-old father has this phone and somehow every couple of weeks he manages to turn on the screen reader voice assistant by accident . We have no idea how he is doing this ,there must be a shortcut for it which he is managing to turn on somehow. Is there any way that this service can be permanently disabled ?, once it has been activated  it is very difficult to turn off .  You have to navigate to the off switch by using two fingers and tapping then double tapping each action through settings.

I have managed to turn this off for my father when it happens but it’s too much for him to get his head around how to do it himself. This issue is leaving him vulnerable as it’s sometimes several days before I can get to him to turn it off and he is without the use of his phone in the meantime . Any advice on how to permanently disable this , or a quicker method to turn it off ? At least if somebody knows what the shortcut is that he is managing to do he can at least try to avoid doing it?




First Poster

Hi SD60.  A friend of mine had the same problem.  After trying to find a permanent fix online, I came across a solution but it was hard to find so I thought I'd post here for others having the same issue.  The shortcut your father is activating is pressing the home button three times consecutively.  Go to Accessibility > Advanced Settings and you'll find shortcuts under Direct Access.  Turn them off and you'll never have to struggle again.