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Losing a loyal customer to Motorola

(Topic created on: 04-04-2024 11:49 PM)
After years of Samsung phones will be moving to Motorola as your continued ignoring of battery drain issue with Samsung phones after updates has made me lose faith in the company. I have an A70 and have seen other models have same issue and remain unsolved.
Samsung Members Star ★★

@Amunette  You may remain unconvinced  but issues tend to be addressed ,  some customers have Battery issues but this is not universal. Did you send an Error Report? There can be a bit of Battery drain intitally after updates  as the AI relearns useage .  certain apps are more prone to being Battery Hogs.  However did you clear the cache partition as recomended as can be outmoded cache files or in some cases corruption?  Have you checked you are running the best optimisation techniques? 

I do not work for Samsung or make Samsung Products but provide independent advice and valuable contributions.

Yes did a report, full reboot etc but still the problem remains after everything. Even replaced battery!!

Hello JAMES4578,

Is there any documentation or at least more information about how "AI battery learning" supposedly works?

I had now looked at several Samsung smartphones A14 + A12 again, especially because Samsung support once mentioned the "normal battery life of 4 days".. Presumably because this specific information  appears in the operating system GUI, but it is totally unclear what background it has.

Personally, I have the impression that 4 out of 4 Samsung devices were completely unable to even begin to estimate the typical battery life. The usage times were always completely wrong. Either too long or too short. Yes, the devices appreciate something in the background. The devices always seem to assume (my opinion) a runtime of 4 days and 4 hours, which is also the basis for various models and probably the calculation. My thesis is that the running times are completely wrong because Samsung is assuming a completely fictitious value as an initial value





Samsung Members Star ★★

The Battery Learning AI period is typically 7-14 days, Battery life may not as strong in the intial phase but over time the device will be optimised.  Whilst there may be an  "average user"  we all used pur phones differently and depends on activities and user patterns.  Tips for extending Battery life shown in this article


I do not work for Samsung or make Samsung Products but provide independent advice and valuable contributions.

I've actually tried everything, including turning off all bells and whistles on the phone, as well turning off WiFi, 5G, using power saving mode all day, no automatic brightness, low brightness, disabling all background apps, putting hundreds of apps into deep sleep or killed off entirely, no offline finding, no Bluetooth scanning or WiFi scanning, no auto rotation, cleared cache partition, factory reset, no AOD, yada yada yada yada...

...and yet Samsung has routinely ignored thousands of posts and more, here and elsewhere online demonstrating the A54 to have absolutely awful battery life.

The only answer that can be given is:

Samsung is paying shills and using bots in communities across the web to push lies about the A54.


The processor (Exynos 1380) has such awful consistency between batches that their efficiency varies wildly. As do the cheap batteries they use.

If you can find my other posts, do look.

I had a 4.5 year old phone that connected to 2-3 Bluetooth devices all the time and listed to Spotify for many hours a day and with a basic LCD unable to utilise an efficient dark mode, (and no 5G), that phone still lasted all day, easily! Sometimes two. Hisilicon Kirin 710 better than a Exynos 1380. What an embarrassment for Samsung.

On the A54, from 85% to 10% I get about 16-20 hours and that's with 5G off and battery saver on, 95% of all apps in deep sleep and a couple Bluetooth devices, WiFi off, etc. On a proper full charge I'll get 1 day. This is with good mobile signals too when out and with mobile data off indoors and a good indoor WiFi signal.

The A54 lineup is just a big lie. It's an otherwise good phone, albeit a little slow and with a completely useless filler macro camera, but the battery issue let's it down so much. The a55 shamefully has the same processor.

People claiming 12 hours SoT with juice left in the tank on this phone (old online posts) are lying, or are indoors on WiFi with brightness on low.

The versatility of this phone is the worst I've had in years. The reliance on charging cables and battery power banks is sad but made more painful due to the 25w charging. I don't mind slower charge rates but I'm having to charge 2x a day. One after work and one before I go to work because even with power saving on and WiFi only (and much of the above), I'm losing 10-15% overnight.

Had Samsung a long while back, liked them initially, went elsewhere, came back to this and it's much the same with disappointment in regards to their longevity. Samsung hasn't learned that people want efficiency.

Edit: Oh and don't listen to that old chestnut "oooh it's learning your patterns"... pwahaha, so you're telling me that after almost 1 year my phone still has terrible battery because it is supposed to within 7 days (now up to 14 apparently, (lol people making excuses for Samsung) it is supposed to be learning my usage? What nonsense. And the same goes for this woman experiencing the naff battery of the A54. Waiting 7, 14, 30, 1000 days, won't change a ***** thing.

This phone is so reliant on software trickery to make it reach even half a day it is alarming.

ONE UI 6 sucks. The Exynos 1380 sucks and is massively inefficient and the updates that were promised was a salespoint... "X number of years of updates for the A54" - yeah and all we get is ***** and no fixes.
I am lucky to get 7hrs online time now from 15+
Motorola have good phones but be wary of their Android support. You could be waiting a year for a singular security update... or more.
Thanks for the tip 😊

Ironically, Samsung's current ONE UI has one of the best power saving options around, even if Samsung doesn't seem to be aware of the option...

At least if the use case is right, you can set a time control for WLAN, Bluetooth, ..., and especially flight mode/mobile data. At least for me it's a game changer that would only be possible with other manufacturers with a separate downloaded app.


As an example, my 7 year old Motorola has a better battery display (also currently better battery life than a completely new A14....-_-) Of course I don't know whether the display is correct. 50% of the battery is used for the mobile phone connection, sometimes another 15% for the WLAN. I practically don't use the device, hence the high values. If you turn off mobile data manually you will also notice this. Doing that every day is annoying, which is why I liked “Modes and Routines” from the ONE UI and bought it with my A14.

Samsung's energy saving options themselves are, in my opinion, totally useless, at least for my use case. I don't know how you really want to save energy with it either. You could also do many things yourself. The battery life of my device, when in use, doesn't seem to be good in general. However, the battery life of the A14 feels significantly shorter when used than with other devices. In my opinion, the battery indicator is also kind of weird.

I also have no WiFi reception in my apartment with my Samsung Galaxy A14. All other devices have reception. I can only assume that it is a point where more energy may be used simply to maintain reception.