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Samsung Fridge Filters Genuine or Fakes?

(Topic created on: 26-08-2021 02:28 PM)
phone and fridge

Have been buying genuine Samsung branded water filters for my fridge for ages now but the latest 2  replacements I purchased seemed extremely light (I realise they are always lighter when dry but these were so light it made me think they were just hollow tubes).

I decided to cut the new filter open and did the same with the old filter to compare the 2.  They were very different with the newer one having hardly any carbon in it compared to the older one.  The newer filter was also much lower quality imo with what looked like glue and swarf in the central channel that could yield into suspension.

Have I been supplied with counterfeit items or have Samsung cut some serious corners here?

Existing filterExisting filterNew filterNew filter

phone and fridge

On the new filter there was no direction of flow indicator on the label and the clips at the inlet and outlet were different to the red ones on previous filters.



@phone and fridge: Where did you purchase the filter from? All I can suggest is exploring your options via our affiliated spare parts providers, details of which can be found below, as they deal in genuine Samsung parts and accessories. (0844 573 6996) (0844 9777 888) (0844 800 3456)

phone and fridge

Thanks for the reply.  I bought 2 filters from here...

I've already raised my concern with seller who said they are genuine from an official Samsung distributor.  If they are genuine then the quality has gone down dramatically since the last filters I bought last year to the point where the non branded compatible filters offered by others are going to be better value.  I've now taken it back out as I don't really want to drink anything that's been through it now that I've seen the poor quality and finish of the internals.

Will be very disappointing if this turns out to be genuine and Samsung have endorsed cost cutting to this extent.

Black Belt 
I wouldn't take their word for being official Samsung distributors. That looks counterfeit and potentially unfit for use/borderline hazardous. Do as Andrew suggests and order genuine parts from a vendor listed on the Samsung website. Ebay while it has improved over the years still has some dodgy vendors on it.
Black Belt 
Sorry but there's no way they are an official Samsung distributor. A personal address, email and mobile phone number sounds massive alarm bells to me.
phone and fridge

They never claimed to be an official Distributor themselves but did claim that they sourced the products from one.  I'll post their responses to my enquiry .

phone and fridge

This is the reply I got from the eBay seller when I raised my concerns over the difference between the new filters and my old one...


all of our items are genuine products either from the manufacturer directly or an official distributor.

we buy directly form an official Samsung distributor for this filter.
we are only a retailer and not a manufacturer.

we have forwarded your photos to the supplier and we are awaiting there response.

all of the products are tested and approved so health and safety has been approved otherwise it would not be able to sell in the uk.

once our supplier responds we will let you know."

Then a day or 2 later they sent this to close it out...

"Dear Customer

Thank you for your email - It raises several issues from the weight of the cartridge to it's construction and in order to fully address each point it's easier to tackle them 'point by point'.

The weight of a new filter will always be substantially less than a filter that has recently been removed from service (regardless of construction). Activated carbon is a highly porous material and even if you drain the excess water from the cartridge at the point of removal the media itself will still retain a very high proportion of moisture. This is expected behaviour and it happens with practically all water filters whether installed under sink, on a refrigerator or in something like a coffee machine. It could potentially many days to fully dry out a cartridge and that is assuming optimum conditions for doing so (warm weather/adequate air flow). Cartridges returned to us in the mail which have been in service are, more often than not, still full of water.

The construction of your previous filter (likely manufactured by Microfilter for Samsung) is a 100% block carbon construction as you can see from your filters. The construction of the filters sent (manufactured by Winix) are of a combined Block Carbon and Polypropylene Sediment Filter. It's not uncommon in block carbon cartridges for their to be a polypropylene stage as this protects the appliance downstream from particulate damage which could be caused either through contamination of the water (you get fine pieces of dirt and grit in most tap water) or through degradation of the carbon block itself (more commonly a problem if it is used beyond its quoted life, but if they take a knock in transit its possible for very small pieces to dislodge). All side by side fridges have small solenoid valves (to control the dispensing of water) and its not uncommon for these to develop 'permanent drips from the dispenser' if small pieces of sediment get caught in the valves. If you Google Polypropylene"

I'm not convinced as the quality of the finish to the internals just did not look right to me.  I removed the filter despite their assurances that it was genuine and safe.

phone and fridge

I've never had drips from my water dispenser and can confirm that the Water Company certainly do not agree that you get fine pieces of dirt and grit in most tap water!