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My rant to Samsung

(Topic created on: 10-02-2021 11:21 AM)
Samsung if you are listening I have a few words of advice for you based on my recent experience.

Personally I feel you as a company are going down the wrong path by blindly following apple. I have been a long time Samsung user and have always chosen the brand as it offered a premium experience, much like Apple, with the key difference being you offered me choice as a consumer.

I currently own a note 9 and that phone was a 0 compromise phone which offered me everything I could want in a phone back then. A stylus, a headphone jack, an sd card slot, cameras that actually took great photos heck even a charger. Remember those?

But I recently purchased an S21U and besides quality issues with the camera, it felt pretty much like a downgrade to me. You've taken away all the choice you once offered me as a consumer, blindly following the likes of Apple by removing the headphone jack then the sd card slot and the charger from the box. In doing so you have made yourself undifferentiated from other companies. You want to charge me £1300 for an S21U but after making me compromise on the things mentioned above. To to add insult to injury you give me a phone with an exynos chip with cameras that underperforms vs what my peers get in the US. Why then should one buy a Samsung vs a one plus or a xiaomi? The mi11 offers an almost similar experience to your S21U for nearly half the price. So what am I, as a consumer, paying you more for? Your marketing campaigns? I don't see any differentiation anymore in your products vs a budget brand. In fact the experience I had was so bad I sent the S21U back. 

In blindly copying apple I am sure you have made a ton of profit saving on parts and I'm sure you laugh at us suckers on your way to the bank. But what you forget is that apple have an ecosystem in place that keeps people tethered to the brand while you don't. So jokes on you. There are only so many compromises one can make before the value proposition starts to pinch. Keep this up and you are going to lose in the long run, you will be the next Nokia. You used to be the anti apple, an alternative for people who didn't want to buy apple now you're a joke. You poke fun at Apple then copy them blindly.. Haha 

People like me who do not see a difference in your products vs products from a brand like Xiaomi have already started to make a switch in our households. I have stopped using Samsung pay, Samsung notes and other similar Samsung services in order to make it easier for me to make the switch in a few months time. You do realise that with android phones switching is much easier thanks to Google? This switch will also extend to my wife my parents and anyone else who asks me for a recommendation. You have made it incredibly hard to recommend a Samsung phone today. Previously I wouldn't hesitate to recommend a Samsung because I knew your phones were the best, 0 compromise and worth the extra money. But that isn't the case anymore. 

My advice to you is to be different, be the innovative pioneering brand that we have come to know. Embrace your differentness rather than blindly copying apple. Offer me choice again. I wouldn't mind paying £1300 for your flagship if it gave me choice again. Bring back the headphone jack, sd card and ship your phones with a charger. If not, I am sure me and several other loyal customers have no real reason to pay you for what we can get elsewhere for half the price. I am sure I cant be the only one feeling this way and many here echo this sentiment. 

samsung is the apple of android world they both have ecosystems to tie you down and yes samsung does copy apple, im hoping for an S22 mini next year 🤣 only thing is I find the alternatives no good. Xiaomi doesn't have ip68 which to me is the most important thing, one plus doesn't widely offer wireless charging, and I had an 8 Pro and it had screen issues. the problem is apple and Samsung remove what they think the majority of people won't miss but unfortunately many do, personally I don't use sd card slot I have about 10 chargers and I haven't used a headphone jack since the iPhone 6S (2015) but like I said many still use these features, I agree with your statement but the competitors have stuff missing too, like I wouldn't never buy a none water resistant phone or one without wireless charging.
plus alot of people will disagree with me but stock android is minging
I agree... But they should still offer the choice. Whether I use the SD card slot or not should be a choice. I would still like to have the option. On the S21U for example they offer 8k recording but storage is limited to 512gb. Some of their decisions just don't make sense to consumers. But I'm sure it makes a lot of sense on their balance sheets. Also yes xiaomi don't offer an ip rating but one plus does and their last flagship also had wireless charging so maybe they'll continue to include in the future. Also samsung's ecosystem is not as sticky as apples I reckon and there are perfect Google substitutes available thus offering very little incentive to use.
yes I agree with the SD card because there will be lots of data hungry users out there. but samsungs eco system is getting alot tighter for example the buds pro only work best with samsung and same with the galaxy watches but I agree its not as tight as apples, so what I'm trying to say really there is no decent alternative that covers everything every single phone manufacture has some kind of draw back
one thing I can't get over with samsung is battery life its just horrible iphone blows them out of the water with that
Absolutely agree. My work phone is an iPhone SE that thing goes days without charging. I guess their phones are just better optimised
yea I had an iPhone 11 Pro before the s20, the 11 Pro would get 8 hours screen on time with loads of standby and it only had a 3000 battery, s20 has 4000 and your lucky to get 6 hours it's the only major draw back for me
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this year Samsung galaxy s series break all times preorder Samsung don't care as long products flying out of the shelf s
Yup seems like it. They don't care as long as they get their money... But I feel this will change slowly as the competition is offering equally good products these days for less money.