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Samsung claims they didn't receive my trade-in phone and I can't get through to them.

(Topic created on: 27-05-2019 03:36 PM)

So I bought an S10 on the Samsung site and sent my (almost new, perfect condition) S8 back in the envelope they sent me (I packed it in its old box and wrapped that in bubble wrap). I used the Post Office's 24 hour signed for service, which cost me £7.40. I checked the tracking number a few days later and it showed up as delivered and signed for at the Samsung recycling centre the next morning. That was 2 weeks ago.


Yesterday I got a text message and an email saying they haven't received my S8. I've sent them several emails. No reply. I called the support line 3 times. I waited half an hour each time, and the call was dropped each time. I used the online chat, which put me through to the online shopping line. The connection was terrible, the lady didn't speak proper English, and she didn't understand what I wanted. Then she referred me back to the support line (see above). Then I contacted Samsung on Twitter. They're telling me to call the online shopping line.


Look. It's simple. I have PROOF that the phone was delivered. I have the tracking number (I've given it to every channel I contacted). Why is Samsung refusing to help me?


Hi , exactly the same with me , I got 2 texts and 2 emails off Samsung saying they had not received my trade in even though it had been signed for , eventually I thought I had better ring them and tell them , I got through to them , gave them my tracking number and they confirmed it had been received , then I got an email saying the process had been closed , when you get through to them you will definitely need your tracking number .

First Poster

@Edgie70 wrote:

Hi , exactly the same with me , I got 2 texts and 2 emails off Samsung saying they had not received my trade in even though it had been signed for , eventually I thought I had better ring them and tell them , I got through to them , gave them my tracking number and they confirmed it had been received , then I got an email saying the process had been closed , when you get through to them you will definitely need your tracking number .

So I ordered the s20. Got it fine but decided to return it and wait for the new note. I returned the phone. Tracking shows they received it. Samsung has told me repeatedly they had received it. That they were having an internal error and my return would be processed shortly. Then they charged me $300 for not returning my trade in device. Which I never sent since I didnt keep the phone. Contacted Samsung again. They apologized again said they will get it fixed. I paid $177 upfront, charged $300 for trade in I never sent, and device payments since May. Now the second week in July they are telling me the package sent back in April that they received was apparently empty and the will not be refunding any of my money. And I will be stuck now making payments for the next 2 years on a phone I didnt keep. You would think if there had been a problem they would have contacted me right away. I dont know how to get this fixed.

First Poster

Same with me - sent back buggy S20 and kept my S10.  They emailed me to say they received it, Fedex shows they signed for it, and the headphone jack adapter that was in the same box was received and refunded but they tell me they did not receive the phone. 

I sent out the box that I received the phone in, and the weight came to 1.6 lbs.  I checked and the box itself (8x5x4) weighs 0.21 lbs, the headphone adapter in its package weighs 0.4 lbs.  So together, the box should have been no more than 0.25 - 0.30 lbs, not five times that weight.  The phone weighs approximately 0.5 lbs, so that plus the S20 box accounts for the additional 1.3 lbs. 

But Samsung just keeps saying they didn't get it and are trying to charge me $500 for the S10 I didn't trade in because I returned the new phone!  So incredibly frustrating.  I might have to ditch Samsung for another Android phone after this.  I've been with them since the S6 edge.