There used to be a button to remaster photos. It cleared the image up, made text not blurry anymore,etc and increased the resolution. Where did it go? I used to use it all the time. It disappeared wi...
Hey there, I'm trying to add my credit card to Samsung Wallet, and the only thing that is stopping me is entering the ZIP code. I live in the UK, so I would use a postcode. The ZIP code field only le...
My husband received his new Samsung Galaxy A05s today. He activated the new SIM without any problems, however, he's unable to activate the two-step verification for his Samsung account because the co...
Hi everyone,
I've searched the web and I don't find anyone else having this issue,
When I attempt to log into my samsung account (Galaxy S10), this problem happens:
1. I input my accou...
I would like a way to maximise brightness when the screen brightness is (to) low to see anything In settings-> accessibility'~> advanced settings Volume up and down settings...
Hi good morning. I wonder why no method to book service smoothly fastly online, iam inside uk. i got disability cant talk and dont know british sign language, need text to communicate, tried t...
I wish you brought this back. I've tried using Bixby but get lost and never get it to work. Previously it was just a setting in call settings. Best thing about it, is no one had to regi...