Hi there, I have an S22. Recently I've taken up photography and being trying to work out how to get the pics from the SD card onto my mobile. I've had to purchase a SD card reader and it connects di...
Hello to start off today I was trying to take a picture of a friend of mine as he was finishing a 5k and as he was crossing the finish line I took a picture at just the right moment and it was perfec...
...hould we be restricted to experience the true photography that we can have access to only certain devices and not the rest of the devices that dont have a 2x telescope lens. Dont you understand that you a...
I recently bought an A52s phone specifically because the good reviews on the camera. No matter what settings I use on the camera (photo, Pro, Panorama, macro, etc.), the largest size photo I get is ...
Please see attached photo I'm trying to learn how to change to widescreen etc. when taking a photo. I've done many searches and all the instructions show different options to the one on my camera ap...