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Samsung a50 won't update

(Topic created on: 24-08-2019 02:03 PM)
First Poster

Hi ,I got a new samsung galaxy a50 dual sim 2 weeks ago that my sister bought in canada and  used for a 2 weeks she told me the phone didnt update when i told her to test the july update before visiting me in tunisia when she gave me the phone,i tried updating it from the settings it says phone is up to date and patch level is may 1st , i tried smart switch same thing . i saw another topic with the same problem as me but no answer ,please help me

Samsung Members Star ★★

Unfortunately this is a possible issue that can accompany a phone that's now being used in a country it wasn't primarily released to be used in. i.e imported.


Updates can still happen but can be slow as the updates would still be vetted by the network that originally supplied the phone prior to letting Samsung send it out or if bought directly from Samsung then from that countries branch of Samsung.


The ways to check for updates are either the Smartswitch software you've tried and or the phones software update section.


Other options are custom roms but a person needs to be fully aware of the potential issues going down this route.


More info is available via the xdadevelopers website.




A person deciding to attempt to download a Custom Rom does so at their own risk knowing such a procedure can have a negative impact on their phone such as stability issues or a result causing the phone to stop working.






Daily Driver > Samsung Galaxy s²⁴ Ultra 512Gb ~ Titanium Black.

The advice I offer is my own and does not represent Samsung’s position.
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